Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Online Handel Bahana Wertpapiere

Memilih Perusahaan Sekuritas Jika Anda ingin atau sudah menjadi investor di pasar modal, pastilah memahami bahwa setiap transaksi harus melalui pialang atau broker atau perusahaan sekuritas. Ada ratusan perusahaan sekuritas yang beroperasi di Indonesien. Perusahaan sekuritas sama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya yang saling berkompetisi dan memiliki kinerja yang berbeda. Sebagai Investor sudah selayaknya memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang memiliki kinerja baik sebagai tempat bertransaksi saham Anda. Bagaimana caranya memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang bagus dan mumpuni. Anda Gunakan Dalam Berinvestasi. Anda Gunakan Dalam Berinvestasi. Pastikan Anda memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang bagus dan benar Pada dasarnya, Anda harus memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang bereputasi baik dan dapat dipercaya. Dalam memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang tepat untuk bertransaksi di bursa, Anda perlu meneliti beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan profil perusahaan sekuritas. Hal mendasar yang layak menjadi pertimbangan adalah jasa yang ditawarkan dan biaya transaksi (komisi) yang dikenakan kepada Anda sebagai Investor. Ada dua jenis perusahaan sekuritas atau pialang, yang pertama krankheit Rabatt Makler (jasa tak penuh). Perusahaan sekuritas tersebut hanya memberikan jasa sebagai perantara jual beli saja (einfach broker) dan tidak Membranin Investor dalam menentukan strategi bertransaksi juga tidak memberikan jasa nasihat. Perusahaan ini hanya melaksanakan amanat dari investor dan memenuhi kewajibannya, seperti laporan pembelian dan penjualan. Yang Kedua Adalah Full Service Broker (Jasa Penuh). Perusahaan sekuritas jenis ini bertindak sebagai perantara jual beli serta juga memberikan jasa nasihat investasi yang tentu saja membantu investor dalam mengambil keputusan. Perusahaan sekuritas dengan pelayanan penuh seperti ini memiliki divisi riset, pengamatan dan analisis pasar satu per satu, ada kliping surat kabar dan analis investasi untuk memberikan rekomendasi sampai pada portfolio komplit dengan Risikomanagement-nya kepada Anda. Sudah Barang Tentu, Biaya Yang Harus Dibayar Investor Jadi Membengkak. Berikut ini adalah kriteria dalam memilih perusahaan sekuritas: Memiliki ijin Bisnis pialang basisnya sama dengan bank, yaitu kepercayaan. Pialang Harus Memiliki Ijin Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek (WPPE), Wakil Manajer Investasi (WMI) Dan Wakil Penjamin Emisi (WPE) Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Bapepam. Sedangkan untuk terdaftar di BEI, mereka harus memiliki Surat Persetujuan Anggota Bursa (SPAB). Dengan legalisas ini lembaga-lembaga tersebut melindungi dana nasabahnya. Jahi-Jagd-Jagd-Jagd-Jagd-Jagd-Jagd-Jagd-Jah - Pemegang sahamnya Kemampuan riset Perusahaan sekuritas yang berkualitas harus memiliki Einheit riset dan analis yang kompeten, netral dan objektif dalam melakukan riset (berkualitas dan komprehensif) Ini dapat dicek dari hasil riset mereka, yang dikeluarkan secara resmi termasuk rekomendasi (ketepatan dari rekomendasi tersebut) Seerapa banyak dan sering riset (kualitas dan analisis yang tepat) yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan sekuritas. Semerne besar cakupan dan sering risetnya, maka semakin berkualitas perusahaan tersebut karena perusahaan tersebut berarti memiliki banyak analis yang memantau dan menganalisis emiten di pasar modal Bersih dari Sanksi Pastikan Anda tidak memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang sudah sering terkena sanksi dari otoritas bursa. Pilihlah Yang Memiliki Track Record Bersih Dari Pelanggaran-Pelanggaran. Jumlah Investor Perhitungkan Berapa Banyak Jumlah Investor Yang Memakai Jasa Pialang Tersebut. Jika seorang pialang melayani terlalu banyak nasabah, maka mutu pelayanannya tidak akan optimal. Modal dan likuiditas Telitilah modal kerja bersih disesuaikan (MKDB) perusahaan sekuritas yang Anda minati. Semakin besar modalnya, semakin kuat sekuritas tersebut. Dengan Modal Yang Besar Akan Semakin Banyak Transaksi Yang Verdünnungsmittel Dan Semakin Banyak Pula Aktivitas Bisnis Yang Dijalani. Selain modal perhatikan juga likuiditas dari perusahaan sekuritas tersebut. Likuiditas ini merupakan perbandingan aset lancar dengan kewajiban lancar. Jika aset lancarnya lebih besar dibandingkan kewajiban lancar, berarti likuiditasnya baik. Demikian pula sebaliknya. Daten realtime Daten realtime atau Informasi aktual mengenai perdagangan saham atau hal-hal yang mempengaruhinya merupakan hal mendasar yang harus dimonitor. Pilihlah perusahaan sekuritas yang menyediakan fasilitas mengakses Daten realtime secara gratis. Komisi (Biaya transaksi) Komisi atau Gebühr ini berdasarkan setiap transaksi yang dilakukan Investor (jual atau beli). Pilihlah Biaya Yang Paling Murah, Tapi Tidak Mengabaikan Kualitas Pelayanan. Selain itu, pastikan berapa jumlah ablagerung minimal yang harus Anda setorkan dan konfirmasikan juga bunga yang Anda terima atas Ablagerung pada perusahaan sekuritas tersebut. Transparan Transaksi jual beli saham selalu tercatat. Sebagai Investor Anda Dapat Mengecek Benar Tidaknya Transaksi Anda. Saat perusahaan sekuritas tersebut melakukan transaksi, Anda dapat melihat apakah perusahaan efek tersebut memasukan nama Anda atau tidak. Fasilitas Pastikan Anda mendapatkan fasilitas susuai harapan, seperti margin handel, melaporkan penempatan dananya, kejelasan aliran dananya, transparansi setiap handel yang dilakukan, laporan tahunan, memberikan informasi mengenai semua transaksi yang dilakukannya dan Mitgliedikan analisis, jika memungkinkan rekomendasi portfolio lengkap dengan manajemen resikonya. Pialang online Anda Dapat Melakukan Transaksi Saham Lewat Internet (E-Trading). Pialang online Membran-Realtime online dengan fasilitas dan fitur Handel. Kriteria pialang online yang baik adalah dapat meneksekusi Handel dengan cepat. Peran perusahaan sekuritas atau pialang memang sungguh penting dalam transaksi saham. Karena melalui merekalah jual beli efek dapat dilakukan, maka memilih perusahaan sekuritas yang OK sudah tentu merupakan dambaan semua investor dan Anda harus cermat melihat jasa-jasa yang ditawarkan oleh mereka. Dalam transaksi jual dan beli saham yang sedang berjalan, Anda juga dapat melihat kode sekuritas yang melakukan jual dan beli tersebut. Untuk mengawali perburuan Anda dapat memperoleh informasi dari sahabat, saudara atau rekan bisnis yang sudah berpengalaman bermain saham. Mereka mungkin dapat memberikan rekomendasi mengenai perusahaan sekuritas yang cukup baik Selamat berburu perusahaan sekuritas Aldiracita Corpotama BII Plaza Tower II, 32. Fl. J L. MH. Thamrin Kav.51 Jakarta Pusat 10350 Telp. 3983-4556, 4557, 4558, 4559, 4560 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Amantara Securities BII Plaza Tower III, 11. Fl. J L. MH. Thamrin Kav.51 Jakarta Pusat 10350 Telp. 392-9601, 9218, 9638, 9588 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 20 juta AmCapital Indonesien BRI II Gebäude, Suite 806 Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.44-46 Jakarta 10220 Telp. 574-2310, 571-3706 Fasilitas Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,36 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 20 juta Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas Artha Graha Gebäude, 26. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta Telp. 515-2640, 3747, 2644 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. Rp. 100 juta Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 100 juta Anugrah Securindo Indah Komplek Ruko Cempaka Mas Blok M1 Nr.48, Cempaka Putih Jakarta Telp. 428-0433 Fasilitas Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 2 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Bahana Wertpapiere Niaga Tower, 18. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.58 Jakarta 12190 Telp. 250-5080, 5070, 5071 Fasilitas. Riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. Rp. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 300 juta Bhakti Wertpapiere Menara Kebon Sirih, 4th Fl. J L. Kebon Sirih Nr.17-19 Jakarta Pusat 10340 Telp. 392-2000, 5000, 3983-6868 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Binaartha Parama Setiabudi Atrium Lt.5, Suite 502A-503 Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav.62 Jakarta 12920 Telp. 5290-1111, 527-4268 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 30 juta BNI Wertpapiere BII Plaza Tower II, 32. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.1 Jakarta 10220 Telp. 570-1205, 1203 Fasilitas Taplus BNI, berita Gerücht, riset teknikal amp grundlegende minimale Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,3-0,4 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 50 juta Rp. 25 juta Buana Hauptstadt Menara Sudirman, 7. A. Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.60 Jakarta 12190 Telp. 522-6847, 5103, 5104, 4936, 7794, 7982, 520-4935, 522-6887 Fasilitas. Invormasi über telepon Minimal Transaksi. Rp. 10 juta Fee Jual-Beli 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 15 juta Ciptadana Sekuritas Gedung Citra Graha, 8. Fl. J L. Gatot Subroto Kav.35-36 Jakarta 12950 Telp. 523-2500, fax. 5290-0360 Fasilitas - Minimal Transaksi 25 juta Fee Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,3 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Citi Pasific Securities BII Plaza Tower III, 11. Fl. J L. MH. Thamrin Kav.51 Jakarta Pusat 10350 Telp. 3983-4668 Fasilitas Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Dinar Sekuritas Artha Graha Gebäude, 23. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190 Telp. 515-0111, 5588, 5888, 5532 Fasilitas. Berita rumor, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Dwidana Sakti Sekurindo Wisma Slipi, 15. Fl. J L. Letjend S. Parman Kav.12 Jakarta Barat 11480 Telp. 530-7133, 5877 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Rp. 10 juta Fee Jual-Beli 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 50 juta Ekokapital Sekuritas Graha Ekonomi, 5. Fl. J L. Setiabudi Selatan Kav.10 Jakarta 12920 Telp. 5790-4588, 4580, 4593 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita über telepon, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 15 juta Evergreen Capital Panin Bank Center, 1. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman No.1, Senayan Jakarta 10270 Telp. 573-9510, 9508 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 50 juta Harita Kencana Securities Panin Bank Gebäude, 6. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman No.1, Senayan Jakarta 10270 Telp. 573-5610, 5616, 5611 Fasilitas. Berita harian Minimal Transaksi 10 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,3-0,4 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 100 juta Intiteladan Arthaswadaya Berca Indonesien Gebäude, 4. Fl. Suite 402 Jl. Palmerah Utara No.14 Jakarta Barat 11480 Telp. 532-4985, 4987, 534-7587 Fasilitas. Galeri-RTI Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,3 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 5 juta Kapita Sekurindo Jl. Batu Jajar Nr.35B, Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Barat Telp. 384-4133, 352-1411 Fasilitas Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Kapitalindo Utama Kompl. Graha Cempaka Mas, Rukan Blok B-25 Jl. Letjen Suprpto Jakarta 10640 Telp. 426-6723, 1742, 1743, 6716, 6717, 515-0218, 0219 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 atau Rp. 15.000 pro hari DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 20 juta Madani Securities Perkantoran Taman A-9 Einheit B, Lt.1-. J L. Mega Kuningan, HR. Rasuna Said Jakarta 12940 Telp. 576-1183, 2262 Fasilitas Berita rumor tiap pagi Minimal Transaksi 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Mitra Investdana Sekurindo Unternehmensgebäude, 4. Fl. J L. HR. Rasuna Said Kav C-5 Jakarta 12940 Telp. 522-9073, 9081 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita über telepon, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta NET Sekuritas Wisna Indocement, 2. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.70-71 Jakarta 12190 Telp. 252-2828, 0456 Fasilitas. Galeri, konfirmasi perdagangan, Bericht, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 20 juta Panca Globale Wertpapiere Jakarta Börse Turm I, 17. Fl. Suite 1706A Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190 Telp. 515-5456, 5466 Fasilitas. Berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 25 juta Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas Menara DEA, 6. Fl. Suite 602 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jl. Mega Kuningan Kav. E.4.3 No.1 Jakarta 12950 Telp. 576-1225, 576-1256 Fasilitas. Galeri, konfirmasi perdagangan, Bericht, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 50 juta Samuel Sekuritas Indonesien Menara Imperium Einheit B, 16. Fl. J L. HR. Rasuna Said Kav.1 Jakarta 12980 Telp. 8370-1608, 8317-473 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 100 juta Sinar Mas Sekuritas BII Plaza Tower III Zimmer 501, 5th Fl. J L. MH. Thamrin Kav.51 Jakarta 10350 Telp. 392-5550, 392-5540 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 50 juta Tiga Pilar Sekuritas Wisma Bank Dharmala, 6. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.28 Jakarta 12920 Telp. 522-7488, 7477, 7479, 7535, 7487, 1876, 521-1938 Fasilitas. Konfirmasi Pembelian, galeri, riset tiap pagi per E-Mail Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,25-0,35 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 30 juta Trimegah Securindo Lestari Artha Graha Gebäude, 18. Fl. J L. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190 Telp. 515-2233, 2345, 2320, 2329 Fasilitas. Galeri, berita rumor tiap pagi, riset teknikal amp fundamental Minimal Transaksi. 1 Los Gebühr Jual-Beli. 0,3-0,4 DepositSetoran Awal. Rp. 100 jutaThe Top 5: 1. Megawati Sukarnoputri, 2. Iriana Joko Widodo, 3. Mufidah Miad Saad, 4. Retno Marsudi, 5. Tri Rismaharini. 1. Megawati Sukarnoputri Politiker, ehemaliger Präsident Die Tochter von Indonesien Gründung Präsident Sukarno, Megawati, 68, ist wieder unbestritten Indonesien mächtigsten Frau. Sie diente drei Jahre als Nationen-Präsident von 2001-2004 und als Vorsitzende der indonesischen Demokratischen Partei des Kampfes (PDI-P) hat sie erfolgreich den ehemaligen Jakarta-Gouverneur Joko Widodo zur Präsidentschaft angetrieben. Megawati wird als die treibende Kraft ihrer Partys starke Koalition mit anderen politischen Parteien gesehen, um die Große Indonesien-Koalition (KIH) zu bilden, die die Regierung im Parlament unterstützt. Vor kurzem traf sie sich mit Rizal Ramli, den sie als neuer Koordinator für maritime Angelegenheiten und die Person, die Veränderungen in der Verwaltung bewirkt hat, unterstützt hat. Die beiden stimmten zu, irgendwelche Barrieren zu brechen, die Indonesien nationales Interesse wegen Korruption, Absprachen und Nepotismus behindern. Obwohl viel über ihre Einmischung zu viel in die Termine der gegenwärtigen Verwaltung gesagt wird, hat Megawati wiederholt, daß sie nicht die Präsidentschaftspolitik stört. 2. Iriana Joko Widodo Iriana hat die Skepsis verunsichert, weil sie aus einer gewöhnlichen Familie stammte, sie war unfähig, die erste Dame zu sein. In Wirklichkeit hat sie ihre Rolle gespielt, um den Erfolg ihres Mannes, Joko Widodo, zu zementieren. Ein Eingeborener von Solo, Zentrales Java, wurde Iriana am 1. Oktober 1963 geboren. Sie studierte Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Gadjah Mada Universität in Yogyakarta, wo sie Joko Widodo vorgestellt wurde, der Mann, der ihr Ehemann und der Landpräsident werden würde. Verheiratet im Jahr 1986 zogen sie nach Aceh, wo Joko für PT Kraft Aceh arbeitete. Das Paar hat drei Kinder: Gibran Rakabuming Raka, der vor kurzem verheiratet war, Kahiyang Ayu und Kaesang Pangarep. Mit ihrer sanften Haltung und Herangehensweise ist Iriana bei Frauen der Verwaltung und bei javanischen Frauen sehr beliebt, die sie als Symbol der Einfachheit, Schönheit, Hingabe und Weisheit betrachten. 3. Mufidah Miad Saad Ehefrau von VP Jusuf Kalla Als Frau von Vizepräsident Jusuf Kalla ist Mufidah Miad Saad aktiv bei der Begleitung ihres Mannes bei der Durchführung verschiedener Staatsangelegenheiten. Bevor sie zur Nationen der zweiten Dame wurde, leitete Mufidah soziale Stiftungen wie die Athirah Teaching Foundation (Yayasan Perguruan Athirah), die von ihrer Familie gegründet wurde und eine starke Verbindung zum Muhammadiyah-Schulsystem hat. Ein Mitglied der West-Sumatra-Minangkabau-Volksgruppe, wurde am 12. Februar 1943 im Nord-Sumatra-Hafen von Sibolga geboren. Bevor sie im Jahre 1967 Jusuf Kalla heiratete, arbeitete sie bei der Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) in der Heimatstadt von Makassar in Jusufs. Nach der heirat sie drehte ihre geschäftlichen talente zu helfen, das familienunternehmen, PT Hadji Kalla zu verwalten. Jusuf und Mufidah haben fünf Kinder Muchlisa, Muswirah, Imelda, Solichin und Chaerani. Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi ist Indonesien erster weiblicher Außenminister. Sie wurde am 27. November 1962 geboren. Ein Karriere-Diplomat war sie zuvor der indonesische Botschafter in den Niederlanden. Geboren in Semarang, Zentraljava, absolvierte Retno 1985 die internationalen Beziehungen von der Gadjah Mada Universität. Danach absolvierte sie ein Masterstudium an europäischem Recht und Politik der Fachhochschule Haag und folgte dem Ausbildungsprogramm des Auswärtigen Amtes am niederländischen Institut für Internationale Beziehungen Clingendael. Retno ist die Umsetzung einer Pro-People-Diplomatie, die die Seele der Indonesien Außenpolitik, eine Verschiebung im Fokus von ehemaligen Präsidenten Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos Prinzip der tausend Freunde, null Feinde sein soll. Die neue Politik soll den Weg für mehr wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten für Indonesien im Ausland ebnen. Weitere diplomatische Beiträge während ihrer Karriere waren Botschafter in Norwegen und Island und Generaldirektor für Amerika und Europa im Auswärtigen Amt. Der preisgekrönte Surabaya-Bürgermeister Tri Rismaharini, 56, hat sich einen hartnäckigen Anführer gemacht, der viel getan hat, um das Gesicht der Indonesien-Zweitstadt zu verändern, mit neuen Parks zu dekorieren und traditionelle Märkte aufzuräumen. Sie hat Häuser für die unterprivilegierten und befreit die Stadt der jährlichen Überschwemmungen, die ihre Wirtschaft so lange verletzt. Ihre ikonische Errungenschaft war, das berüchtigte Dolly Rotlichtviertel zu schließen. Tris-Errungenschaften haben sowohl nationales als auch internationales Lob für die Förderung der Statur von Surabaya als das Tor zu Ost-Java verdient. Sie hat Angebote von höheren politischen Positionen abgelehnt und sagt, dass sie den Leuten von Surabaya nahe bleiben möchte. Sie wird für eine Wiederwahl im Dezember stehen, nachdem ein Kandidat, der mutig genug war, um gegen sie zu stehen, endlich nominiert wurde. Tri sagt, sie hat noch viel zu tun: Ein Traum ist, ein großes Denkmal für ihre Stadt zu bauen. Politiker, Koordinator Minister Die Tochter des ehemaligen Präsidenten Megawati Sukarnoputri und Enkelin von Sukarno, Indonesien Gründungspräsident, Puan Maharani, 45, ist jetzt der Koordinierende Minister für menschliche Entwicklung und Kultur. Sie ist ein ehemaliger Fraktionsleiter der mächtigen indonesischen Demokratischen Partei des Kampfes (PDI-P) im Repräsentantenhaus. Obwohl Analysten sahen, dass Puan als Kandidat für den Ersatz im Kabinett im vergangenen August wegen ihres Versagens, irgendwelche Durchbruchspolitik zu produzieren, hat sie den Posten behalten. In der PDI-P-Hierarchie ist sie nach Megawati der zweitstärkste Politiker und gilt allgemein als Megawatis-Nachfolger. Unternehmer, SOE Minister Rini Soemarno, 57, ist ein mächtiger Minister, der Indonesien Staatsunternehmen führt. Obwohl ihre politischen Konkurrenten im August-Kabinett umgestoßen haben, bleibt sie in der Post mit einem starken Griff auf die wichtige und strategische Position. Ein ehemaliger CEO von PT Astra International und Minister für Handel und Industrie in Megawatis 2001-2004 Kabinett, war sie an Bord der Jakarta Stock Exchange und führen Kabel-TV und Motorrad-Unternehmen. Rini wurde in den USA geboren und erzogen und ist die Tochter der Sukarno-Ära Bank Indonesien Gouverneur und Finanzminister Soemarno. Rini beaufsichtigt nun wichtige Injektionen von staatlichen Mitteln in kritische SOEs, damit sie sich auf die wichtige Aufgabe des Aufbaus neuer Infrastrukturen vorbereiten können. 8. Khofiffah I. Parawangsa NU-Politiker, Sozialministerin Khofifah Indar Parawansa, 50, ist einer der führenden Politiker von East Javas und ein Aktivist, der als Kopf der Frauenbewegung von Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) einen erheblichen Einfluss einnimmt. Zuerst zog sie die Aufmerksamkeit auf die nationale Landschaft, als sie die Regierungsbehörde während einer Plenarsitzung der Volksberatungsversammlung (MPR) 1998 kritisierte. Sie schaukelte die Einrichtung, indem sie die Demokratisierung des Wahlprozesses forderte, nachdem sie entdeckt hatte, dass die Wahlen 1997 waren Reichlich mit Betrug. Khofifah war Minister für die Ermächtigung der Frauen während der Verwaltung des ehemaligen Präsidenten Abdurrahman Wahid und führte dann Haus der Repräsentanten Kommission V auf Handel. Sie spielte eine wichtige Rolle bei Joko Widodos Sieg in den letzten Jahren Präsidentschaftswahl. Susi Pudjiastuti ist der Minister für maritime Angelegenheiten und Fischerei im Präsidenten Joko Widodos Kabinett. Sie hat ihren Namen als Unternehmer durch PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Products, ein Exporteur von Fischereiprodukten, und als Gründer von PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation, die Fluggesellschaft Susi Air betreibt. Susi wurde aus der High School vertrieben, um einen Protest gegen die herrschende Golkar-Partei während der New Order Ära zu organisieren. Unerschrocken wandte sie sich mit ihren Susi-Marken-Garnelen zu einem erfolgreichen Unternehmer. Im Jahr 2004 gründete sie Susi Air und arbeitete von Flugplätzen in Medan, Kendari, Cilacap, Balikpapan und Jayapura. Zweimal verheiratet und zweimal geschieden, hat Susi drei Kinder. Sie hat sich selbst als der am meisten freimütigste Minister des Landes benannt und hat bedeutende Durchbrüche im Fischereisektor gemacht. Ihre kühnste Bewegung war es, ausländische Fischereifahrzeuge zu sinken, um illegal in indonesischen Gewässern zu operieren. Regent von Kutai Kartanegara Rita Widyasari PhD, 42, ist der Regent von Kutai Kertanegara in Ost-Kalimantan, einer der reichsten Regionen in Indonesien. Sie ist die Tochter von Syaukani HR, eine einflussreiche und mächtige Golkar-Partei, die Rita durch die Gewinnung der Regionalwahl im Jahr 2009 gelungen ist. Die Regentschaft hat unter Rita gediehen. Kohle-reich, die Region ist auch die Heimat von ausgedehnten Ölplantagen und riesigen Reserven an Öl und Gas. Mit einer neuen Wahl, die für Dezember geplant ist, wird Rita wieder mit dem regionalen Sekretär Edi Darmansyah als ihr laufender Kumpel bestreiten. Rita-Gründe, dass zwischen 2015 und 2020 Kutai Kertanegara von einem Führer, der am besten über das Potenzial, den Zustand und die Geschichte der Region weiß, herrschen muss. Analysten prognostizieren, dass sie die Wahl wieder leicht gewinnen wird. 11. Eva Kusuma Sundari Politikerin, PDI-P Freiwilliger Koordinator Mit der Koordination der Freiwilligen, die Joko Widodo geholfen haben, die Präsidentschaft zu übernehmen, hat sich Eva Kusuma Sundari, 50, als Titan auf der politischen Bühne erwiesen. Gut ausgebildete und freimütige, hat sie den Standard für Frauenpolitiker in Indonesien aufgeworfen. Sie hat einen Master-Grad in Entwicklungsstudien von nicht nur ein, aber zwei bekannte Institutionen, das Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in Den Haag und Britannien Nottingham University. Eva ist ein stimmlicher Unterstützer von Minderheitenrechten, Religionsfreiheit und Gleichstellung der Geschlechter. Während sie oft Kontroversen angezogen hat, sind ihre Meinungen mit vielen gewöhnlichen Indonesiern in Resonanz. Vor dem Eintritt in die Politik war Eva mit dem indonesischen Forum für Budgettransparenz (Fitra) aktiv. Sie arbeitet eng mit Top-Beamten der indonesischen Demokratischen Partei für den Kampf (PDI-P) zusammen. Professor Nila F. Moeloek, 66, ist der Gesundheitsminister. Sie erwarb ihren medizinischen Abschluss in der Opthamologie von der Medizinischen Fakultät an der Universität von Indonesien (UI) und wurde 1998 zum Facharzt für Augenheilkunde. Sie widmete sich dann der Verfolgung ihrer Doktorarbeit und erwarb sich 2003 einen Cum-Laude-Abschluss Sie verdiente ihre volle Professur bei UI. Sie hat mehr als 150 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und fünf wissenschaftliche Bücher verfasst oder verfasst. Nila Moeloek führt auch eine Reihe von hochkarätigen Organisationen, darunter die indonesische Augenärzte Association und die indonesische Krebs-Stiftung. Ihr Mann ist ehemaliger Gesundheitsminister Faried Anfasa Moeloek. Das Paar hat drei Kinder: Muhammad Reiza Moeloek, Puti Alifa Moeloek und Puti Annisa Moeloek. 13.Petahana Yohana Yemball Minister für Frauen Angelegenheiten Yohana Susana Yembise wurde in Manokwari, West Papua am 1. Oktober 1958 geboren. Als Minister für Frauen Empowerment und Kinderschutz ist sie die erste papuanische Frau Professor in einem indonesischen Kabinett gedient haben. Bevor sie als Minister gewählt wurde, war sie Professorin an der Cenderawasih Universität In Jayapura, Papua. Yohana studierte an der Cenderawasih Universität, dem Regional Language Centre (RELC), SEAMEO Singapur und erwarb ihren Master-Abschluss an der Simon Fraser University in Kanada. Sie hat dann ihre Doktorarbeit von der Newcastle University im Jahr 2006 verdient. Yohana ist mit Leo Danomira verheiratet und hat drei Kinder: Marcia, Dina Maria und Bernie. 14. Veronica Tan Purnama Soziale Aktivistin, Gouverneur Ehefrau Veronica Tan, 37, ist die Frau von Jakarta Gouverneur Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Sie ist es gewohnt, ihre Ehemänner Karriere im öffentlichen Dienst zu unterstützen, beginnend, als er Regent von East Belitung war. Das Paar hat drei Kinder: Nikolaus Sean, Natania und Daud. Ein Eingeborener von Medan in Nord-Sumatra, Veronica ist aktiv in der Beamten Frauen Wohlfahrtsbewegung, Frauen Trainingsprogramme, die Krebs-Stiftung und verschiedene Wohltätigkeitsfundamente. Sie ist auch in den Bemühungen um die Förderung der Künste und die Erhaltung des nationalen Erbes aktiv. Pertamina Neuer und erneuerbarer Energie-Direktor Yenni Andayani hat eine Reihe von hochkarätigen Positionen im staatlichen Energieunternehmen Pertamina abgehalten und gipfelt in ihrer Ernennung im November letzten Jahres als Direktor der neuen und erneuerbaren Energien. Jetzt 50, sie ist ein Doktorat von der Parahyangan Universität in Bandung. Sie begann ihre Karriere in Pertamina im Jahr 1991 und hat in Positionen einschließlich Präsidenten Direktor der PT Nusantara Gas Company Services in Osaka, Japan, Präsident Direktor von PT Donggi-Senoro LNG von 2009 bis 2012 und dann als Senior Vice President für Gas und Macht. Auf einer Stufe Präsident Joko Widodo wurde berichtet, um die Aufstellung der Pertaminas Board of Directors von neun zu nur vier Profis, einschließlich Yenni zu straffen. 16. Nurhayati Assegaf Demokratische Partei Politiker Die Tochter des erfahrenen Politikers Ali Assegaf, Nurhayati erbte ihre Väter erstaunliche politische Fähigkeiten. Jetzt ist sie jetzt stellvertretende Vorsitzende von Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos Democratic Party. Sie war die Fraktion Kopf für die Partei im Repräsentantenhaus während der Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Präsidentschaft und eine treibende Kraft hinter der einst mächtigen Regierungspartei. Bevor sie zum Gesetzgeber wurde, arbeitete sie als Geschäfts - und Finanzberaterin in einem Netzwerk von Unternehmen aus Großbritannien, Kanada und Singapur. Sie besaß auch PT Srikandi Murni Mandiri, eine Handelsfirma, die Asphalt importierte. Nurhayati ist bekannt als ein reibungsloser Kommunikator innerhalb der Parteiorganisation und ein überzeugter Meister der Party-Einheit. Managing Director der Weltbank Sri Mulyani, 53, war ein hart sprechender Finanzminister, der aus der Regierung von Yudhoyono aufgrund des politischen Drucks entlastet wurde. Sie nahm einen Posten als einen von drei Geschäftsführern der Weltbank-Gruppe auf. Sri Mulyani wurde am 26. August 1962 in Tanjung Karang, Lampung geboren. Sie ist das siebte Kind der Universitätsdozenten Prof. Satmoko und Retno Sriningsih. Sie erhielt ihren ersten Abschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der Universität von Indonesien im Jahr 1986 und dann ein Meister und Doktorat von der University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Sie ist mit dem Ökonomen Tony Sumartono verheiratet, mit dem sie drei Kinder hat. Sie ist ein professioneller Ökonom ohne politische Zugehörigkeit. In diesem Jahr besuchte Sri Mulyani Indonesien als Teil ihrer Weltbank-Pflichten und traf sich mit Präsident Joko Widodo und löste unbegründete Gerüchte, dass sie auf dem Rücken in das öffentliche Amt war. 18. Mari Elka Pangestu Ehemaliger Handelsminister Minister für Tourismus amp Creative Economy Industry unter dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Mari scheint immer noch als eine nationale Figur, die sowohl in nationalen als auch internationalen Geschäftskreisen bekannt ist. Jetzt 58, sie verteidigte die kreative Wirtschaft und neue touristische Destinationen. Ihr berühmter Slogan war, dass der nationale Wohlstand zwischen Hochkapitalgesellschaften und Großkapitalunternehmern geteilt werden sollte. Mari, der an der australischen Nationaluniversität studierte und dann 1986 von der University of California in Davis promovierte, drängte auf eine engere ASEAN-Kooperation beim Aufbau der Flughafeninfrastruktur, zur Bereitstellung von Online-Visa-Einrichtungen und zur Förderung von Handel und Investitionen. Sie ist mit Adi Harsono verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder, Raymond und Arya. In diesem Jahr wurde Mari als Professor an der Universität von Indonesien eingeweiht. 19. Airin Rachmi Diany Bürgermeister von South Tangerang Airin Rachmi Diany Wardana hat South Tangerang seit 2011 geführt und wird erwartet, um Wiederwahl in einer Umfrage am Ende des Jahres mit starker Unterstützung von der Golkar-Partei zu gewinnen. Geboren in Banjar am 28. August 1976, studierte sie an der katholischen Universität von Parahyangan, wo sie ihr Jurastudium erwarb. Airin, der eine Leidenschaft für den Radsport hat, ist ein preisgekrönter Bürgermeister, der erfolgreich South Tangerang zu einem weitläufigen Geschäftsbereich und einem Zentrum der Fertigung sowie einem Wohngebiet entwickelt hat. Die Region hat ein beträchtliches Wirtschaftswachstum während ihrer Amtszeit gesehen, obwohl die Anwohner weiterhin über den Zustand der Straßen murren. Sie hat zwei Kinder. PDI-P Politiker, Vorsitzender MNC Land Dewi Aryani, 45, besitzt starke Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und wurde in der Energiepolitik im Repräsentantenhaus ausgesprochen. Seit 2008 ist sie Mitglied der indonesischen Demokratischen Partei des Kampfes (PDI-P) und leitet die Abteilung für Frauen bei der Partei und ihre Geschäftsabteilung. Dewi war stellvertretende Vorsitzende für Öl und Gas in der indonesischen Industrie - und Handelskammer (Kadin) sowie als Gesellschafter in einem Unternehmen im Öl - und Gasbereich. Ihre akademischen Qualifikationen sind beeindruckend. Sie studierte an der MIT Sloan School of Management im Jahr 2011 und das folgende Jahr wurde promovierte in der öffentlichen Politik von der Universität von Indonesien. Sie ist auch ein talentierter Popsänger. Sie ist jetzt Kommissarin bei der MNC Group. Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh Rahman Wahid, allgemeiner bekannt als Yenny Wahid, sprang in die Politik, als ihr Vater Abdurrahman Wahid 1999 Präsident wurde. Davor arbeitete sie als Journalistin und gewann für ihre Arbeit als Korrespondentin in Osttimor und Aceh für Australias Fairfax Media, publisher of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. The Harvard University Kennedy School of Government alumnus is married to Dhohir Farisi, a politician from Prabowo Subiantos Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra). Now 41, she is the director of the Wahid Institute, where she propagates her fathers thinking and the Nahdatul Ulamas (NU) ideal of moderate Islam and respect for pluralism and peace. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to get her own political party moving, she has been moving closer to the National Mandate Party (PAN) and backed its recent move to support the government. Aviliani, 54, is an economist recognized for her independent perspective on economic affairs. Born in Malang in East Java, she holds a PhD from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) and is an advisor to the Indonesian Governors Association as well as an independent commissioner at state-owned Bank Rakyat Indonesia. She is also a member of the supervisory body of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). She continues to teach at Paramadina University and banking institute STIE Perbanas, as well as being a prominent TV talk show host. Lately, the economist at the Institute for Development of Economic and Finance (Indef) has been critical of the governments recent economic policy package, saying it will not have a significant impact on the current state of the economy. 23. Armida Alisjahbana Former Head of Bappenas Armida, 55, is the daughter of former foreign minister Prof. Muchtar Kusumaatmadja. She is an alumnus of the University of Indonesia and has post-graduate degrees from Northwestern University and the University of Washington, with qualifications in public finance, human resources economics, education and micro-econometrics. She has worked as a consultant for the World Bank, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the Asian Development Bank, AusAID and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). As the head of the National Planning Board (Bappenas), she was a strong proponent of the need to build strategic infrastructure. Through various forums Armida continues to call on the government to formulate concrete and strategic steps to convince the market that the rupiah is undervalued. Entrepreneur, Kalla Group Fatimah Kalla became the CEO of the Hadji Kalla business empire in 2004 when her brother Jusuf turned his attention to politics and government. The group operates a range of businesses in construction, energy, manufacturing, building materials and property as well as the original core focus of car dealerships. Fatimah has clear authority to drive the companys future and is also involved in the familys social and philanthropic activities in education, healthcare and development initiatives in areas where the group operates. In her hands the car dealership network has won more than 40 awards from Toyota Group for its strong performance in eastern Indonesia. The group has a 200-MW power plant in Poso, Central Sulawesi and recently opened a new cocoa factory to produce cocoa powder amid soaring demand for chocolate. This year, the group will begin operation of a shipyard with an investment of Rp500 billion in partnership with Japanese investor Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Tatty is the wife of the contested chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie. Aside from accompanying her husband on campaign trials, she is most active in the familys social activities, providing funding and encouragement to develop the education sector. Philanthropic vehicles include the Tatty Bakrie Fellowship, Bakrie Education Foundation and Bakrie for the Nation Foundation. She has helped many students with scholarships to attend Bakrie University and short courses on leadership and management. Tatty was Aburizals junior at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The couple has three children: Anindya Novyan Bakrie, Anindhita Anestya Bakrie and Anindra Ardiansyah Bakrie, who are all active in leading and managing the diversified Bakrie Group. Entrepreneur, vice chair of Kadin Shinta is known for her views about entrepreneurship and her knowledge of world and economic trends. She has appeared in various international forums as a leading spokeswoman for the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and has established a reputation for tirelessly encouraging women to be more active in business. She is also active in the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), the Indonesian World Wide Fund and the Young Presidents Organization. Along with friends she set up the Angel Fund that helps mentor prospective businesswomen and she is also active in Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia. As well as all that, she manages Johnny Widjajas family business under the Sintesa Group, with interests in property, energy, hospitality and agribusiness. Chairman of CT Foundation The wife of prominent businessman Chairul Tanjung, Anita is the founder and head of the CT Foundation, which provides scholarships for talented children from disadvantaged families. In the next five years the foundation plans to raise 100 million to support its activities. The foundation also works with Bank Mega in the Mega Berbagi program, which encourages customers to share their profits for educational and development activities. Other partners include a variety of international organizations such as Family Health International, USAID, UNESCO and Plan International, working on programs including HIVAIDS and drug eradication initiatives. Like her husband, she is a dentistry graduate from the University of Indonesia. Their daughter, Putri Tanjung, is also active in supporting entrepreneurship education at a school in Batu, East Java. Meanwhile Putri has her own event organizing business. Owner Pakuwon Jati Irene Tedja, 39, is Pakuwon Jati founder Alexander Tedjas daughter who now serves as director at listed PT Pakuwon Jati Tbk. one of Indonesias top property management and development companies, based in Surabaya, East Java. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Pennsylvania and formerly worked in the merger and acquisition division and real estate operations of Chase Securities in New York. She oversees investor relations for the family firms business units in offices, shopping centers, residential real estate and hospitality. The company operates a range of landmark properties in Surabaya and Jakarta. Irene is married to Prajna Murdaya, the eldest son of tycoon Murdaya Poo and Siti Hartati Murdaya. This year Irene predicts Pakuwons recurring revenues will be higher with the operation of Tunjungan Plaza V, Four Points Hotel at Tjunungan City superblock, Ascott serviced apartments at Pakuwon Indah Supermall and Sheraton Hotel at Gandaria City. Chairman of Indonesia hotel and restaurants association Yanti Sukamdani is the daughter of veteran businessman Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono, and is active in a number of business organizations, including the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). She studied at Cornell University and is now best known for her work for the hotel industry as president of the Indonesian Hotels amp Restaurants Association, the ASEAN Tourism Association for Indonesia and the Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI). Apart from helping with the familys Sahid Group of hotels, she runs her own business as master franchisee of US fast-food chain Johnny Rockets via her company PT Rianti Investama Internasional. This year Yanti has pledged to work with the Ministry of Tourism to achieve a target of 20 million foreign tourist arrivals by 2019. 30. Svida Alisjahbana Femina Group is one of the most established media groups in Indonesia, where Svida has been instrumental in growing the business amid fierce competition, at the same time managing the shift from print to digital. She took over from her aunt Mirta Kartohadiprodjo and her partners. The family also operates printing company Pustaka Rakyat and at Femina one of her initiatives was the creation of the post of chief community officer (CCO), helping readers be more active in business. She graduated in mathematics from the University of Michigan in 1998 and went on to gain a MBA from Columbia University in New York. Before returning to Indonesia she spent four years with GE Capital in Connecticut as corporate finance manager. At home in Jakarta, she is a senior member of the business community and is active in womens empowerment group the Angel Fund. This year, Svida was the chair of Jakarta Fashion Week, where she sponsored the Indonesia Fashion Forward (IFF) incubator program for designers. 31. Tinah Bingei Tanoto Co-founder of Tanoto Foundation Sukanto Tanotos wife Tinah hails from Binjai in North Sumatra, where her family owns the Sumatra Tobacco Trading Company and the IndoCafe restaurant chain. Her involvement in social issues began in 1981 when she opened a kindergarten in Medan. Other early efforts included the establishment of health and medical facilities in poor rural areas, an initiative that led to the creation of the Tanoto Foundation. Tinah is a member of the Business Families Foundation and sits on the board of trustees of the University of North Sumatra. She also plays a role in some of the family enterprises, including Global Energy, Pacific Oil and Gas, Pacific Eagle Fund and real estate ventures. This year, she, her husband and son Anderson Tanoto held the Tanoto Scholars Gathering 2015, attended by a record 266 Tanoto scholars. The event engages participants in character development and the nurturing of leadership capabilities. OJK Supervisory Board NurHaida is the commissioner of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) responsible for supervision of the countrys capital markets. Her appointment was well accepted by the market due to her acumen in market regulation and finance. Her formal education was in textile engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology and she earned a MBA from Indiana University. She has also taken part in courses run by the International Institute on the Inspection and Oversight of Market Intermediaries in the US and the Australian Exchange Commission. Now 56, she joined the Ministry of Finance in 1989. This year, Nurhaida is the driving force behind the formulation of a stimulus package in anticipation of the rupiahs continued weakening against the US dollar. Born in Jakarta in 1930, Kartini staked out a career as a highly regarded commercial lawyer and in 1990 opened her own law firm, Kartini Muljadi amp Rekan, after serving as a judge. She was honored by former President Megawati Sukarnoputri in 2004 with the Capital Market Lifetime Achievement Award after her firm developed the Master Settlement and Master Refinancing Agreement that served as the vehicle to rescue the many banks that had foundered during the 1998 economic crisis. She also founded pharmaceutical company Tempo Scan Pacific, which has become a major player in its sector. Now run by her son Handojo Slamet Muljadi, the business continues to expand and is now entering the food and beverage market. 34. Tantri Onni Bianti Owner of Natasha Skincare Tantri, a trained dentist, is the wife of Fredi Setyawan, the owner and founder of Natasha Skin Care. While Fredi takes care of product and service quality at Natasha, Tantri handles the management of the group, which is currently home to one of the biggest skincare business networks in Indonesia, encompassing more than 100 branches spread around the country. The enterprise owns 90 of the land occupied by its branches, as well as all its offices. In the past three years, the group has diversified into hotels. In 2015, Tantri has been active sponsoring CSR programs. 35. Dewi Fortuna Anwar Scholar, vice presidential adviser Dewi, an expert on ASEAN affairs, is a top research professor and the deputy chairman for social sciences and humanities at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). She has served at several high-profile international organizations including the UN Secretary Generals Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. She graduated from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London and obtained her doctorate from Monash University in Australia. She served as an adviser to Vice President Boediono and currently acts as an adviser to Vice President Jusuf Kalla. Cherie is executive director of the Giti Group, which has diversified interests in real estate development, manufacturing, retail and natural resource development. Committed to working for the community, she sits on the boards of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Yale Center for Environmental Law Policy, the University of Indonesia Climate Change Center and the Unity in Diversity Foundation. She is also a member of the international advisory board of Columbia University, the Asia advisory board of the MIT Sloan School of Management and a founding member of the Global Philanthropic Circle under the Synergos Institute in New York. Cherie received a BA in engineering science and economics from Oxford University and an MBA from Columbia Business School. This year she has called for more collaboration between governments to leverage the internet to address sustainable development issues. 37. Harlina Tjandinegara Commissioner at Barito Pacific Group Harlina has been a major force in helping husband Prajogo Pangestu build their company from scratch, then resuscitate it after the crash of its world-beating plywood business, with Barito Pacific re-emerging as a major force in petrochemicals. She has been active expanding the company for more than 32 years and has nurtured her children to play a major role in the business. Agus Salim Pangestu now runs the groups sprawling business activities in petrochemicals, energy, plantations and property and daughter Nancy Pangestu is also active in the business. Harlina is active in social work, assisting less fortunate people across the country. 38. Roosniati Salihin Co-founder of Titian Foundation One of the countrys most prominent bankers, Roosniati Salihin has been a vice president of Panin Bank, the countrys sixth largest bank, since 1997 and is also a commissioner at publicly listed Clipan Finance. This year, she and other bankers are concentrating on steps to face the weakening economy. Working with her close friend Lily Kasoem, Roosniati founded a community learning center sponsored by the Titian Foundation, helping children learn new life skills. Located in Bayat, Central Java, the foundation has helped hundreds of young people to finish high school, with 30 gaining entry to tertiary institutions, while others have gone on to good jobs. Roosniati is also a member of the supervisory board at the University of Washingtons Pacific Rim Banker program. Vice president of Blue Bird Group Noni is responsible for the management of thousands of drivers and a huge fleet of vehicles as part of her job of making sure the Blue Bird Group, the countrys and Asias largest integrated taxi service and logistic business, runs smoothly. Noni has a special passion for human resource development, recognizing the significance of employees as a vital ingredient of growth. As vice president of the Blue Bird Group she is also responsible for strategic planning for future business directions. The group now partners with Germanys Ziegler, producing state-of-the-art firefighting vehicles and has its own coach-building operation. Another new direction is property, with a resort in Lombok. This year, Noni is targeting new growth despite the clouded economic landscape. 40. Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana Entrepreneur, Chairman CMNP Tutut, as shes best known, toned down her business and political activities after his father Suhartos fall from power in 1998, and as well as running her business from the background she has been busy providing assistance for the poor. She has been preparing her daughter Danti Indriastuty Purnamasari to run her businesses, which include toll-road operator PT Citra Marga Nusaphala and a number of investment vehicles. Tutut is known to have extensive business interests both in Indonesia and abroad, although she and her siblings mostly prefer to remain low-profile. This year, she won a battle over ownership of PT Cipta Televisi Pendidikan Indonesia (CTPI) in the courts, but now the task is to work out whats left of the station after it was folded into Hary Tanoesoedibjos MNC TV many years ago. Economist at INDEF Hendri Saparini is the managing director of the Econit Advisory Group and executive director of the Indonesian Center for Reform on Economics (CORE) and is being tipped to head the proposed Committee for Economy and Industry (KEIN) to be set up by President Widodo. Despite being one of the most critical economists in the country, shes taken a balanced view of the countrys current economic problems, saying Indonesia is a lot better off than Malaysia, with stable politics and an economy that is still growing. Hendri earned her economics degree from Gadjah Mada University and her masters and doctorate from Tsukuba University in Japan. She has been outspoken since her high school days and in 1994, together with Rizal Ramli, she established the Econit research institution. She has been critical of the government for failing to prepare properly for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). 42. Destry Damayanti Economist, ministerial advisor Destry has become one of the most quoted woman over the past months since she took on the job of leading the selection panel for new leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Destrys comments on the directions of the national economy attract just as much attention. She leads the Mandiri Institute, an advisory body set up by the major state-owned bank. The institute conducts research on macroeconomics, regional development, finance and banking issues. Early this year she was appointed as an expert team member at the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises to assist on economic policy issues and help SOE directors take the best strategic decisions for their companies. She has spoken at a range of international forums on the economy and business, including this years World Economic Forum session in Jakarta. Yani developed expertise in the empowerment of small and medium enterprises through a venture capital operation before she joined her brother Arifins Medco Group in 1994. Another brother, Hilmi, has now taken over control of the oil and gas firm, the most prominent private company in its sector in the country, while Yani is a commissioner at Medco Energi and heads a number of subsidiaries. She graduated in electrical engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1975 and received a masters degree in management from the Bandung Graduate School of Management in 1997. This year, she is seeking applicants who are willing to work for modern rice estate projects being developed in Merauke, apparently oblivious of criticism that indigenous people have been sidelined and terrorized. 44. Bhindawati Gunawan After a career at a number of international banks, the daughter of Panin Group founder Mumin Ali Gunawan now occupies a number of important positions in the group. She is vice president at both Asuransi Multi Artha Guna (MAG) and at publicly listed Panin Financial. While she is active in many social causes, she rarely appears in the public spotlight. She graduated from the University of San Francisco. Former banker, social activist Felia has had a long and successful career in the banking industry. Earning a bachelor of economics and a masters degree in politics from Carleton University in Canada, Felia began her career at the United Nations. From there she returned home to work for Citibank, where she rose to vice president, and then moved to Jardine Fleming Nusantara. In 1999, she was appointed a director of the then-Jakarta Stock Exchange, and then as chairwoman of the secretariat of the Committee on Financial Sector Policy (KKSK). That was followed by a posting as deputy chair of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA). More recently, she was vice president of Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). Felia is the daughter of Ferdy Salim, a former top Indonesian diplomat, and grand-daughter of former foreign minister Haji Agus Salim. Felia has been active in social activities such as documenting local wisdom in Papua, Sulawesi and Maluku. Founder of Melli Darsa Law, Head of ILUNI FHUI Melli is among the top ranks of Indonesias lawyers, specializing in capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, banking, corporate finance, litigation and dispute resolution. Elected as head of alumni at the University of Indonesias (UI) Law Faculy from 2012-2015, she is a regular speaker at forums on the law and business. Melli gained her first degree in law from UI in 1990 and went on to earn her master degree from Harvard Law School in 1994. She has been practicing as a lawyer for more than 25 years with law firms such as Makarim amp Taira S and Wilmer, Cutler amp Pickering in Washington DC. She started her own law firm in 2002 and the global publication Financial Law Review lists it as a top tier law firm in financial and corporate law. Melli works pro bono at Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Jakarta. Born in Kebumen, Central Java on 4 November, 1937, Martha is still active in business and now spends much of her time engaged in promoting social entrepreneurship for women. Her Martha Tilaar Group is a leading name in Indonesias traditional herbal medicine jamu - and the womens healthcare product industry. She developed the Sari Ayu brand from scratch and it now produces a wide range of natural health products, cosmetics and other services for domestic and export markets, with retail outlets in regional capitals. The company has been able to maintain a strong market share despite a flood of foreign products entering the market. She is married to professor of education H. A.R. Tilaar and the couple have four children who now manage the business side of Sari Ayu. Martha speaks at a variety of international forums to promote natural health medicines and entrepreneurship. 48. Parwati Surjaudaja Parwati has dedicated her career to promoting the values that her father Karmaka Surjaudaja established during his rise from poor beginnings to control one of the countrys most successful mid-size banks, Bandung-based NISP. She was closely involved in the production of the film of his life, Love and Faith, which hit cinemas early this year. The story of her fathers life from a baby brought to Indonesia from China by his parents delighted hundreds of thousands of cinema-goers. Unlike other recent biopics such as Habibie dan Ainun, Soekarno, Soegiya and Sang Kyai, the movie provided insights into the early world of business in Indonesia, where Karmaka built NISP into a strong bank based on a single asset: trust. Parwati continues to head the bank, which the family sold to Singapores OCBC so that it could expand. She earned a science degree from the University of San Francisco in 1985, followed by an MBA in 1987. 49. Mooryati Soedibjo A self-made businesswoman who launched Indonesias traditional health products onto a mass consumer market is still active at 87. As a businesswoman Mooryati established Mustika Ratu or The Royal Heritage, a company that now produces hundreds of herbal medicines (jamu) and womens care products in the domestic and some regional markets. Her inspiration came from the potions used by women in the royal palaces of Java, and she saw no reason why they shouldnt be made available to a wider audience. She gained wide popularity through the Miss Indonesia beauty pageant well before Miss World became known in the country. Born in Solo on January 5, 1928, she is a former deputy head of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR). Tri, 51, is executive director of the People-Centered Business and Economic Institute (IBEKA), an NGO that works to produce electricity for rural areas, with a micro-hydro power system that is a renewable, indigenous and non-polluting resource for small-scale energy generation. The system can typically produce 5-100 kW of power, which villagers can use to boost their local economies. According to Tri, the sustainability of the project depends heavily upon community ownership of the system. From Aceh to Kalimantan, Tri has been harnessing power to develop remote areas. She has earned many awards, including Climate Hero from the World Wildlife Fund for Nature in 2005, Ashoka Fellow in 2006, and Environmental Fighter of Indonesia in 2008. 51. Ihsan Mulyaputri Owner Kapal Api Putri is the daughter of Mooryati Soedibjo, a pioneer of the womens healthcare products industry, and has demonstrated her business acumen in pushing Mustika Ratu to develop into a modern business organization. Putri has demonstrated a commitment to politics, backing Joko Widodos run for the presidency in 2014. She is also very active in professional organizations. She is chairwoman of the Indonesia Brand Association (AMIN), the Small Traders Association (APPSI) and deputy chair of the Indonesian Jamu Association (GP JAMU). She also oversees the creative economy department of the Indonesian Business Association (Apindo) and is deputy chair of the traditional industry department at the Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Kadin). Putri earned her MBA from National University in Inglewood, California, and returned home to work at the family firm, where she started out by heading the promotion and advertising department. Parliamentarian with most votes Karolin earned the distinction of winning the most votes at the 2014 election, with 397,481 voters backing her to retain her seat at the House of Representatives (DPR) for the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). Karolins achievement in the polls was not only because she is the daughter of West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis MH but also owed much to her political strategy to win support from her electoral area. A graduate in medicine from Jakartas Atmajaya University, she has learned that politics can be a dirty business, with a saucy video that circulated on the internet becoming the subject of an ethics inquiry at the House. She blamed political opponents for spreading the video, which she denied was of her. Karolins fans remained loyal, and she was recently elected chairwoman of Catholic Youth (Pemuda Katolik) at its congress in Batam. 53. Feny Djoko Susanto President of Alfamart As chair of the board of Indonesias biggest chain of mini-market retail outlets, Fenys contribution has helped Sumber Alfaria Trijaya grow exponentially over the past few years. Profits have doubled and the number of AlfaMart outlets has grown tremendously, with the company now expanding to Malaysia and the Philippines. Feny has a solid business background, with a bachelor degree in business administration from Ohio State University in 1997, followed by a masters from Cleveland State University. She was president director of the company from 2012 until 2014 and was then appointed as president commissioner. In 1996 when she first worked for cellular phone company XL, standing on top of base transceiver stations as a radio engineer, she probably never imagined that one day she would be president director of the company. The electrical engineering graduate from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held various key positions in network and engineering and prior to her appointment as CEO of XL Axiata in April this year, she was based in Malaysia, working within XLs holding company Axiata as group chief of marketing and operations. Throughout her career she has believed in the virtues of hard work and the need to accept any kind of challenge. She is a 2013 graduate of the executive program at the Harvard Advance Management Program at Harvard Business School. Nicke worked in a bank to pay her way through her studies at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) but on graduation moved to state-owned PT Rekayasa Industri, a company providing engineering, procurement and construction services. As project control engineer, she spent much of her time in the field, working out of Palembang in South Sumatra, Lhokseumawe in Aceh and Cilegon in Banten, as well as a spell in Malaysia. Moving to Jakarta, she handled project management, corporate management, human resources and finance management for the firm. In 2007 she was appointed vice president of the corporate strategy unit and in 2010 business director. In early 2014 she left Rekayasa Industri to become president director of PT Mega Eltra, a subsidiary of state-owned fertilizer producer PT Pupuk Indonesia. She didnt stay long in the position and before the end of that year she was appointed a director of state utility PT PLN. Raakhee has long been the power behind the throne of husband Raam Punjabi, with the couple enjoying success in the entertainment business for more than 30 years with a run of soap opera on domestic TV channels through their Multivision Plus production house, which is now launching into the film business. Although critics say the Punjabi pair capitalizes on sex and the mystical, the recipe is good at creating profits and they can also be proud to have launched many of Indonesias best-known television and movie stars. These days Raakhee has handed her role in the business to her children to run and dedicates her time to helping the poor through the Art of Living Foundation. Rina, first daughter of Indonesias property business legend Ciputra, believes that her parents guidance was the foundation of her talents for the property business. She joined the company in 1981 after gaining her MBA from Claremont Graduate School in Los Angeles. She began her career at Metropolitan Kentjana, in which her father is a shareholder, and followed on with a variety of positions across the Ciputra Group of companies. She has been the main driver in Ciputra Surya, a group investment holding company operating in eastern Indonesia. Rina is married to Budiarsa Sastrawinata and the couple has two daughters: Anindya and Lalitya Sastrawinata. Both are being groomed to play a role in the business groups activities. Presidential Advisor on Education and Culture Although the public questioned the motive behind the appointment of some members of President Joko Widodos nine-member Advisory Council (Wantimpres), there were no qualms about Meutia Hatta, 68, being named a council member concentrating on education and culture. The daughter of Indonesias first vice president, Mohammad Hatta, she has been involved in education since 1984 as a lecturer in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Indonesia (UI), later becoming the head of the diploma program. In 2003 she became the deputy minister of culture and tourism and a year later was appointed minister of womens empowerment in President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos first cabinet. At the 70th celebration of Indonesian Independence this year she said that her fathers goals had yet to be completed as there are still many Indonesians who are born and die poor. 59. Intan Abdams Katoppo President of PT Hotels Indonesia Intan was appointed in 2011 to resuscitate the government hotel chain Inna Hotel. Dahlan Iskan, the minister for state-owned enterprises at the time, believed Intan had the potential to save the business from an early grave. She accepted the challenge and has worked to rebuild the reputation of the companys properties. She has refurbished existing properties and built a number of new ones. The landmark Inna Hotel in Bali was the venue for the APEC conference team in 2013. Now with 12 properties in the Inna portfolio, Intan is content that they can now compete with other hotel chains. Before taking over at Inna, Intan worked at Bimantara Group, the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Bank BNI. 60. Kanjeng Ratu Hemas Politician, Yogyakarta Sultans wife Hemas has been in the spotlight for many years through her position as the wife of Sultan Hamengkubawana X, king and governor of Yogyakarta. Over the past 15 years Hemas has stamped her own mark on politics as a member of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), where she is now the deputy chair. Along with other colleagues at the DPD, she has struggled to give the institution a stronger voice in governing the country. She also has a strong reputation as a fighter for gender equality and pluralism. Now 62, Hemas was born in Jakarta as Tatiek Drajad Supriastuti. She and the sultan have six daughters, but Hemas has been quiet over the question of succession to the Yogyakarta royal throne, preferring to let her husband fight that battle. A former minister for womens empowerment in the Habibie government and a member of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) from 1994 to 2004, Tutty is no longer active in politics but remains influential, with political, religious and social leaders often approaching her for support. Tutty claims that her prayer group, Badan Kontak Majelis Taklim, has more than 14 million followers throughout Indonesia. She operates the As-Syafiiyah Teaching Foundation, named after her father, a prominent Islamic scholar, and a number of other educational institutions, including her Islamic University As-Syafiiyah, where she is the rector. She has consistently spread the idea of Islam as a religion of peace. Her focus is on education, womens participation and social justice. She has been a member of the presidium of the Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) and of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). 62. Niken Widyastuti CEO of Radio Republik Indonesia Niken has transformed Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) from its former staid format, diversifying its approach to young radio, with the young generation as its main listeners. She has spent her career at the broadcaster, starting out as an announcer and rising through the ranks to head the national institution in 2010. A graduate in social science from Gadjah Mada University, she earned a masters degree in sociology from the same university in 2004. She is president of the general conference of the Kuala Lumpur-based Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development. She sprang to the defense of RRIs Quick Count election tally following the presidential election when it came under fire from politicians, but its results turned out to be very close to those of the General Election Commission (KPU). Born in Yogyakarta on October, 30, 1960, she also works hard as a wife and mother of three children. 63. Catherine Hambali Catherine, the president director of the Ciptadana Group, is a strong presence in Indonesias financial services industry. She played an important role in the financial industrys evolution due to her work supporting the growth of business in Indonesia. Catherine, with siblings Irene, Peggy, Tonny and Aileen, has developed Ciptadana into a diversified business with interests in petrochemicals and the plastic industry through Dynaplast. The family also has interests in groups including Wing Group, Lippo Group, Mulia and other big names. Ciptadana Group is involved in a wide range of financial market activities, including securities, brokerage and underwriting as well as asset management. Ciptadanas units have won many awards over the past two decades. 64. Rieke Diah Pitaloka Politician, labor activist Rieke was a strong prospect for the labor portfolio in the new Widodo cabinet last year but was passed over. She remains the same outspoken person, concentrating on labor issues, health and education and the ethics of politicians in her work with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), which she has represented in the House of Representatives since 2009. Rieke, now 41, hails from Garut in West Java and began her career as an artist in comedy shows on TV before going into politics. She is no lightweight: she gained her bachelors degree in Dutch literature, and has a second bachelors degree fron Driyakarya School of Philosophy and a masters degree in philosophy from the University of Indonesia, which she completed in 2007. Her dissertation became a book, State Violence a Contagion for the Public (Kekerasan Negara Menular ke Masyarakat). She has also published a number of volumes of poetry. CEO of Mustika Ratu Putri is the daughter of Mooryati Soedibjo, a pioneer of the womens healthcare products industry, and has demonstrated her business acumen in pushing Mustika Ratu to develop into a modern business organization. Putri has demonstrated a commitment to politics, backing Joko Widodos run for the presidency in 2014. She is also very active in professional organizations. She is chairwoman of the Indonesia Brand Association (AMIN), the Small Traders Association (APPSI) and deputy chair of the Indonesian Jamu Association (GP JAMU). She also oversees the creative economy department of the Indonesian Business Association (Apindo) and is deputy chair of the traditional industry department at the Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Kadin). Putri earned her MBA from National University in Inglewood, California, and returned home to work at the family firm, where she started out by heading the promotion and advertising department. 66. Susiawati Hutomo Susy Hutomo is the daughter of Matahari department store founder Harry Darmawan. She controls retail businesses through her PT Tozy Bontang Sentosa, operating The Body Shop franchise and the middle-class focused Centro department stores. She also runs the Pacific Place branch of Jakartas famed KemChicks supermarket in a joint venture with the heirs of the late supermarket entrepreneur Bob Sadino. Known as both an entrepreneur and social activist, Susy incorporates the principles of culture and care for the environment in her business activities and also campaigns against human trafficking. Susy is married to Hutomo Mugi Santoso. 67. Illiza Saaduddin Djamal Banda Aceh Mayor The mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Saaduddin Djamal was born in the Aceh capital on December 31, 1973. She is the first female mayor to lead a city often known for its patriarchal culture. While she broke the dogma that a Muslim woman shouldnt be a local government leader, she upset activists when she introduced a by-law earlier this year imposing a curfew for women, which she defended by saying it was designed to protect them. Elected as deputy mayor, she became acting mayor when Mawardy Nurdin died on February 8 due to kidney failure and heart disease. She was inaugurated as the mayor in June 2014 and will serve until 2017. She has a sound record in helping the city rebuild after the 2004 tsunami and has a sound reputation for good governance and public service. She is active in Islamic womens organizations. 68. Katharina Widjaja Businesswoman, Gajah Tunggal Katharina already had a wealth of experience when she joined the board of directors of Gajah Tunggal Group in 2014. Before joining Indonesias leading tire maker, Katharina cut her teeth in various multinational companies including HSBC and Deutsche Bank. Most of her education was gained in Britain: she received a MSc in control engineering from the University of Bradford in 1986, a year after graduating from a course in mathematics and its applications at Sheffield Polytechnic. She also has a post-graduate diploma in mathematics, statistics and computer studies from Leeds Polytechnic. She supports a range of social activities in Indonesia. Commissioner of RCTI, Miss World Organization Liliana is the wife of media and property tycoon Hary Tanoesoedibjo and has backed his rise to success over the past 15 years. She is at Harrys side even for high-profile business deals including the recent one with US businessman Donald Trump, which will see a joint venture develop a luxury resort at Lido south of Jakarta. Since Harys decision to try his hand at politics, she has taken a bigger role in running MNCs business. Educated in Canada, her background lies in the fashion industry. Liliana holds senior positions within the MNC Group at companies including TV broadcaster RCTI, PT Global Land Development, PT Star Media Nusantara, PT MNC Pictures, PT Global Star Harvest and PT Media Persahabatan Indonesia. She is publisher of High End, Mom amp Kiddie and Just for Kids magazines, tabloid Genie and also heads philanthropic organizations such as Jalinan Kasih and Yayasan Pendidikan Bagi Bangsa. 70. Bernadette Ruth Setiady President director of Kalbe Farma Group Kalbe Farma Groups outstanding performance is testament to Ruths hard work since she took over the leadership in 2008 as president director and CEO. Kalbe has now grown beyond its roots as a pharmaceutical producer to become a consumer goods company and is now expanding into ASEAN with its hundreds of product items. Ruth has been at the heart of the transformation, not least by consolidating the scattered family businesses into a single holding company, Kalbe Farma Group. She is the niece of the main founder of the group, Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan, who now focuses on a stem cell project in Jakarta. Ruth gained a master of science degree from the faculty of food science at Cornell University in 1986. 71. Elizabeth Sindoro Elizabeth Sindoro is the second generation of family textile business Dan Liris. She is leading the companys expansion and driving its transformation into a modern company. She is currently developing 550 hectares of land at Bumi Serpong Damai, a dynamic area on the southwest border of Jakarta. Elisabeth has solid experience in business and leadership after initially becoming president director at PT Netlink Indonesia and vice president of the national network division at the former Lippo Bank. She is president commissioner at Paramount Group, a property developer responsible for the Paramount Skyline Complex, Bethsaida Hospital and Hotel Fame in Serpong and which is now expanding to Semarang. She continues to manage the family textile business and keeps busy with philanthropic work at the Rotary Club. Lawyer, politician, businesswoman Elza, 58, is best known as one of the countrys top lawyers, but she also has interests in politics and business. As a lawyer she has worked for figures including the late President Suhartos son Tommy Hutomo Mandala Putra. O. C. Kaligis was an important mentor in the days before she opened her own firm. She has been active in politics for the past decade with Wirantos Peoples Conscience Party (Hanura) and more recently with Prabowo Subiantos Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra), where she heads the legal division. She has a masters degree and PhD in law from Bandungs Padjajaran University and is married to senior Navy officer H. Yuswaji. She and her family have mineral concessions to mine iron sand and andesite in Sumatra and West Nusa Tenggara. She heads the Indonesian Entrepreneur Association (IWAPI) and speaks frequently in national and international forums on issues including land and labor. Metta Murdaya saw her fortune in the lifestyle and skin care business. Along with friends Jill Sung, Tammy Chuang and Yoshiko Roth she launched the Juara brand of skin care products targeting upper class customers. On her way to the top she is following her parents success in business. After gaining degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and New York University her father Indonesian tycoon Murdaya Poo called her home to help in the family business but Metta couldnt settle down and returned to the US to go her own way. She has several passions: She performed and taught hip hop and swing at Singapores first Lindy Hop School, is a keen photographer like brother Prajna Murdaya, practices yoga and is an avid follower of beauty and wellness trends to balance her own busy lifestyle. 74. Dwina Septiana Wijaya Under Dwinas leadership Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia has maintained its position as one of the leading brokerage firms in Indonesia, overseeing some of the most lucrative IPOs and bond issuances in recent years, including Wika Betons IPO and PGNs 1.35 billion bond issue. She has spent most of her career with Bahana, joining the firm in 1994. The graduate from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has a MBA from Trium Global, ranked the worlds top executive MBA course by the Financial Times. Dwina took the helm of Bahana in June 2013, although she was only officially appointed president director of the state-controlled investment firm a year later. Dwina has been very active helping her alma matter ITB raise funds for the development of the university to a leading school in Asia. In 2014 Prof. Dr. Dwi Aries Tina Pulubuhu became the first woman to become rector of Hasanuddin University (Unhas) in Makassar, one of the biggest stated-owned universities in Indonesia. She has had a long career at the university, starting in 1988 when she became a lecturer in the School of Social and Political Science. In August this year she replaced Pratikno, who went on to become State Secretary in the Widodo government, as a board member of the Australian Indonesia Center (AIC), an initiative of the Australian government to intensify collaboration between the two neighboring nations in the fields of energy, health, infrastructure and food security. At the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) she sits as vice coordinating chair on foreign affairs and defense and security. In 2009 the West Sulawesi government appointed her as coordinator of the advisory panel of its Independent Rural Development Program (Bangun Mandar). President director, Total Bangun Persada Janti has been in charge of one of Indonesias largest privately-owned construction companies since September 2009. Now 50, she joined the company in 1992 as an estimator and served as associate director from 2001 to 2003. The University of Southern California graduate holds a master of science in construction management. Janti is known for her skill in handling projects of any scale, with one recent example being the Rp6 billion Pondok Indah Residence apartment development. In 2014, under her watchful eyes, PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk. has won plenty more such projects and she is confident the flow of work isnt going to dry up. She predicts that global investment will come to the country, and much will find its way to high-rise residential and office projects. Currently, the daughter of the late Ir. Komajaya is responsible for over 1,500 employees. President of Marga Mandala Sakti (Astra) In 2008 Wiwiek was appointed president director of PT Marga Mandalasakti (MMS), founded by the Astra Group in 1989. The company operates several toll roads, including the 72.45-km road from West Tangerang on Jakartas western outskirts to Merak, Javas port on the Sunda Strait. MMS is now working on projects such as the Kertosono-Mojokerto and Kunciran-Serpong toll roads. With the new government keen to boost infrastructure, she is confident that the target of building 1,000 km of toll roads by 2019 is feasible, starting with the Rp48 trillion, 434-km Trans-Sumatra toll. This year Wiwiek plans to add one more lane along the 20-km highway stretching from West Balaraja to Ciujung, supporting traffic heading to Sumatra through the Merak port. President director of PT Nippon Indosari The daughter of businessman Piet Yap, Wendy earned a bachelor of commerce degree from the University of Melbourne and was then thrown in the deep end of the pool, becoming president of her fathers real estate business in the US when she was just 20, an experience that she admits was a shock. Wendys career shifted in 1998 when she took over management of bread and cake maker PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk. The family business has grown exponentially under her hands. It produces over 4.2 million pieces of Sari Roti bread per day in 10 factories across Indonesia and has grown its revenue faster than most companies in Asia. Wendy, now 55, says equipment is the key to success and she insists on the latest state-of-the-art technology from Japan. That ensures consistency in quality, even in large quantities. In her view, Indonesia offers significant opportunity and potential for investors who know what theyre doing. 79. Tience Sumartini A passion for flying led Tience Sumartini, now 58, to open the groundbreaking Bali International Flight Academy (BIFA), a flying school which garnered an almost overnight success for its ability to deliver a much-needed supply of qualified pilots in Indonesia. Tience first learned to fly gliders, then graduated to powered aircraft. Her passion led her to her build her own aircraft and set up other aviation businesses including PT ATS Buana Airtech, a company supplying aviation engine components. Along with former Garuda Indonesia directors Robby Djohan and Wiradharma Oka, Tience opened BIFA five years ago. Today, in addition to running BIFA, Tience also also acts as an angel investor along with other powerful women in ANGIN, the female-oriented angel network fund run by Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia (GEPI). She operates aircraft leasing and maintenance ventures and sits on the advisory board of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). 80. Medina Latief-Harjani CEO of Pasar Raya A graduate from San Fransiscos Lincoln University, the 45-year-old has excelled in the retail business since she was appointed by her father, former Suharto-era manpower minister Abdul Latief, as president director of Pasaraya in 2011. She has introduced a range of changes at what was a flagging property, turning it into a family experience. Although it is happy to sell international brands, Medinas primary focus is on local products. She believes that there is still plenty of room for retail space to grow in Indonesia, despite the stiff competition. Medina holds an economics degree from Trisakti University and before joining her fathers firm worked as internal audit, securities, and retail banking manager with HSBC. Junita, 51, is the daughter of Indonesias property tycoon, Ciputra, and works in the business alongside big sister Rina. She received her bachelors degree in finance in 1987 from the University of San Francisco and a year later gained a masters in finance from the University of Southern California. Junita joined Ciputra Group as finance manager soon after she graduated. From 1990 to 1996 she worked as a director of PT Ciputra Development Tbk. and since 2002 she has been a director of PT Ciputra Surya Tbk. Branching out, this year she has launched a number of initiatives for the start-up community, including the Ciputra Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia Incubator that offer facilities, services and mentorship for start-ups, as well as serving as a co-working space and community hub for meetings and information sessions about entrepreneurship. 82. Shinta Dhanuwardojo Shinta founded the Bubu digital agency in 1996 when the internet was still in its infancy. She went on to organize the nations first wide web designdigital campaign awards, the Bubu Awards. She hosted Indonesias largest ever digital event, the IDBYTE, inviting speakers from Facebook, Amazon, Google, LinkedIn, eBay and RIM on one stage. Angel investing is her current passion, equipping fresh talent not just with funding but also connections to Silicon Valley. Shinta and her team recently went on a four city - Yogyakarta, Malang, Bandung and Jakarta - tour to scout for the brightest start-up talents worthy of the Bubu Awards. She is currently head of the permanent committee for online at the Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and co-chair of the Indonesia Mobile Marketing Association. Crown Princess of Yogyakarta, businesswoman Her Royal Highness Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Pembayun is the eldest daughter of the Sultan of Yogyakarta, Hamengkubawana X. If and when the time comes for her to succeed her father, she will be the first-ever Queen of Yogyakarta in the kingdoms 260-year history. Her succession is by no means a done deal, given stiff resistance from within the royal family to such a departure from tradition. The annointing of a successor is supposed to be according to revelation - something that is no longer accepted in modern times. Like any important political position, Pembayun will need to garner support from the people around her. Pembayun graduated from Griffith University in Brisbane, and is currently the director of PT Yogyakarata Tembakau Indonesia and PT Yarsilk Gora Mahottama and president commissioner of PT Madubaru, operations owned by the palace. 84. Carmelita Hartoto Owner of Andhika Lines Carmelita, often known as Meme, left her comfortable finance career in London to return to Indonesia in 1994 after her father Hartoto Hardikusumo passed away and she took it on her shoulders to continue the family business. PT Andhika Group is one of Indonesias oldest shipping companies. Starting off as commissioner in 1995, she shined in the male-dominated industry and in 2005 she became the companys CEO. In 2011 she was elected chairwoman of the Indonesian National Shipowners Association and in 2013 as vice chairwoman for logistics and treasurer for the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). Established in 1973, PT Andhika Group currently owns five ships. President of Indonesian Olympics Committee Rita Subowo is facing re-election as head of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) and is expected to face some tough contenders given that the post comes with automatic leadership of the committee handling the Rp11 trillion Asian Games set to be held in Indonesia in 2018. Ritas 20 years of experience in sports organizations and her membership of the executive board of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) are expected to see her in place to lead a successful Asian Games. However she has her critics, especially after Indonesias failure in this years Asian Games in Singapore, where Indonesia came fifth, raking in only 47 gold medals from the target of 72. Many blamed the outcome on the dysfunctional relationship between the nations sporting bodies. Lily, 57, was a commissioner of the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the early 2000s, and chairwoman of the Association of Indonesian Securities Companies (APEI) between 2005 and 2014. She has been with PT Merrill Lynch Indonesia since 1995, currently as its president director. Lily holds a degree in business, specializing in accounting, from Tamkang University in Taipei, and worked at Barito Pacific Group before starting her career in the capital markets with Baring Securities Indonesia in 1991. The person behind the iconic 2002 Indonesian movie Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (often known as AADC) is known for reinvigorating the nations movie industry. Another massive hit from the 51-year-old songwriter, film director and producer was Laskar Pelangi that made its way to the silver screen in 2008 and in the process put the island of Belitung on the map. Mira is the daughter of famed musician Jack Lesmana and sister to jazz pianist Indra Lesmana. Clearly an artistic streak runs through her blood, keeping her passion alive by producing movies. Pursuant to the success of AADC, Mira, who is married to actor Mathias Muchus, is now producing a sequel, with the film looking at the characters 12 years on. President of the Indonesian Business Womens Association Dyah Anita Prihapsari, better known as Nita Yudi, is the president of the Indonesian Business Womens Association (IWAPI). She admits to owning a variety of businesses, including advertising, food and beverage outfits, and a general contractor business in which half her staff are women. Through IWAPI she empowers over 40,000 members, the majority of them SMEs, with skills such as management training and access to financial and business networks. She is also active in the Indonesian Women Without Tobacco (WITT) organization which educates on the hazards of smoking. Her husbands family owns Universitas Persada Indonesia - Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia. Media, hotel and lifestyle entrepreneur Denise is the eldest child of the late Handiman Tjokorsaputro and Liza Sindoro, the owners of Batik Keris, one of the largest batik-makers in the country. After five years working in the familys garment business, she set out to make her own mark in the business world and set up publishing company Milestone Pacific Group (MPG). MPG Media now manages 16 publications, divided into three categories: luxury, lifestyle, and home and design. Denise and husband Julius Ruslan also own the MaxOne hotel chain, Level 8 advertising and a modelling agency. Denise has a bachelors degree in textiles from Philadelphia University and a masters in finance from George Washington University. 90. Veronica Colondam The Love for the Nations Children Foundation (Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa - YCAB) since its origins in 1999 has evolved into a social enterprise that focuses on youth empowerment. It was Veras dream to empower the nations social enterprises, and to date YCAB has impacted the lives of more than 2.7 million youth. Veras effort garnered her the Indonesian Woman of Change Award from the US government and she is the youngest recipient of the UN Award for Civil Society. The author of two books remains active as a global speaker for youth development, womens empowerment, and sustainable education. YCAB ranks 63rd in the list of top NGOs compiled by Global Journal of Geneva. Vera holds a masters degree in social science from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Disease. Now 43, she is married to Pieter Tanuri, operator of the Multistrada Arah Sarana tire company. 91. Betty Alisyahbana KPK Election Committee Betti, 55, was general manager for IBM in ASEAN and South Asia from 1996-1998, and between 2000-2008 she became the CEO of IBM Indonesia - the first woman in the Asia-Pacific region to become country manager for the technology company. After leaving IBM, she founded QB International in 2008 which focuses on the creative industry. Married to Mario Alisjabana, the son of prominent writer Sutan Takdir Alisjabana, Betti is the chairwoman of Open Source Indonesia and sits on the board of trustees of the United States-Indonesia Society (USINDO). More recently she has been the spokeswoman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) leadership selection committee. Betti holds a bachelors degree in architecture from the Bandung Institute of Technology. Owner of Harita Securities Christina is a member of the Lim family, controllers of the Harita Group, with core businesses in the natural resources sector, including nickel and bauxite mining, palm oil plantations, shipping, timber and coal. Christina operates Harita Securities, which she developed from a small brokerage to become a well-known medium-sized company. She led the firm to achieve the Best Securities Company award in the asset category from Investor magazine. In 2012 she was named head of investor relations at Bumitama Agri Ltd. the familys oil plantation company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. Owner of Batik Alleira What first started in her garage using only four sewing machines and with capital of around Rp30 million turned out to be a great investment. Lisas mission to bring batik to the world through Alleira sprawled into a chain of 10 stand-alone boutiques, two franchised boutiques in Makassar and Medan, 30 outlets in department stores, as well as outlets in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore. The wife of Suherman Mihardja chose Annisa Pohan as her brand ambassador to represent Alleira. Through Annisa, Alleira batik was introduced and worn by Miss Universe Singapore and the heads of state at the ASEAN Summit 2010. Alleira strives to bridge the gap in the market for contemporary batik and to raise brand awareness through high-profile events. 94. Siti Musdah Mulia Raised in a strictly Islamic household in Bone, South Sulawesi, she went on to become a vocal advocates of pluralism. Her stance has attracted allegations that she is secretly a liberal Muslim with an agenda. Her bravery has not gone unnoticed, as she has been honored by a host of awards including the US State Departments International Women of Courage Award in 2007, the Yap Thiam Hien Award in 2009 and the Woman of the Year award from the Italian government in 2009. In 1997 she became the first woman to earn a doctorate in Islamic political thought from Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University (UIN), and in 1999 she became the first woman to be appointed as a research professor at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), where she still works. Since 2007 Siti has served as chairwoman of the NGO Indonesian Conference on Religion for Peace. Chairman of the National Commission of Human Rights Siti Noor Laila has been a human rights activist since 1990, when she and other members of the Womens Discussion Forum Yogyakarta (FDPY) took on a company which had discriminated against women in North Sumatras North Tapanuli region. She was active in various organizations when she attended the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) in Yogyakarta in 2004, where she studied law and where she is currently pursuing her masters degree. Elected as internal deputy chair of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) this year, she often clashes with people and institutions over their stance on human rights. Recently, her organization was embroiled in a spat with the National Police in which the latter claimed it had been defamed by the commission. A heavyweight in the world of literature, Ayu Utami squared off with the censors and redefined the Indonesian literature genre with her 1998 novel Saman, a groundbreaking work with its embrace of sexuality. In 2000, Ayu was named a Laureate for the Prince Claus Award for the novel, now translated into six languages: English, Dutch, Japanese, French, Italian, Czech and German. During the closing years of the regime of Suharto, Ayu was a member of a group of activists who pushed the boundaries of freedom. Along with other journalists, she founded the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). Soon to turn 48, Ayu has proved her staying power as a writer. Other highly acclaimed works include the True Stories trilogy (The Single Parasite, Enricos Love Story and The Confession) and the Fu Numeral series. Her recent works of fiction and non-fiction have featured the theme of critical spiritualism. At the tender age of 20, Dea took the Indonesian online and social media world by storm when the public learned that she was earning billions of rupiah each year selling batik through social media and online. Dea, a 2009 graduate of information technology at the Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) in Serpong, Banten, has been netting around Rp300 million per month from the Batik Kultur endeavor she started in 2011, according to the universitys website. Deas relative youth and her stellar rise to success have made her the subject of endless fascination for those whod like to emulate her success. Recently, Dea again made headlines when Batik Kultur began to hire handicapped workers as one of its ongoing social initiatives. 98. Dwikorita Ratnawati Rector of University of Gadjah Mada Dwikorita Ratnawati is the rector of Indonesias largest university, Yogyakjartas Gadjah Mada (UGM), serving from 2014 to 2017. She replaced Praktikno, who has become State Secretary in the cabinet of Joko Widodo, and was a classmate of Susi Pudjiastuti, now Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. She became a professor of engineering and environmental geology at the university after being Fulbright Adjunct Professor at San Diego State University in the US from 2011 to 2012. In 2003 she was the Leverhulme Professor at the Institute of Advanced Study at Bristol University in Britain. That followed a spell as Hitachi Fellowship Researcher in agriculture and technology at Tokyo University in 1997. She won a merit award from the International Consortium United Nations International Strategy on Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR) for her work in the academic field. Pro golfer, national gold medalist The Balinese beauty queen claimed that she never expected to be crowned Miss Indonesia in 2012, mainly because she was more focused on her love for golf. A golf champion since the early 2000s, notably winning the gold and silver medals at the 2004 National Sports Week (PON) in Bali, she was the youngest person ever to compete in the Indonesian national golf team. In 2012 she took a break from the golf course to concentrate on the Miss Indonesia competition. After winning the title, Ines went on to represent Indonesia in Miss World 2012 held in Ordos, in Chinas province of Inner Mongolia. She made it to the Top 15, becoming the second Indonesian to reach such heights. She completed her Miss World obligations in February 2013 and returned to golf and a new role in the entertainment world. Other Suppliers to the Seafood Industry SHIP amp FISHING BOAT CREWING amp STAFF CREWING AGENCIES PT. Hans Venina Abadi BRONZE MEMBER INDONESIA - PT. Hans Venina Abadi is an independent crew manning agency geared to provide a totally client service. We undertake the supply of qualified and experienced officer and crew for all types of vessels worldwide specialized fishing vessels or fishing industries. We offer competitive crew cost. For more information about our seafarers, feel free to contact us in case of interest. Contact . Vana Maria Tel . 62 21 47865828 Skype . vana. maria1 Email Etiana Ventures Limited BRONZE MEMBER NIGERIA - Etiana ventures is an international maritime and local ship husbandry. our diverse and highly skilled workforce deliver high quality services to our numerous customers locally and internationally. General supply i. e. Provision, Cabin Store, Engine Parts, Deck Requisition, Fruits etc Fresh Water Supply to vessels at berth and Offshore through the use of Water Tankers Bunker Services i. e Supply of A. G.O, HPFO and other lubricant standard Contact . Dr Martins Enebeli Tel: 234 803 539 2349 Email Eagle Maritime (Pvt) Ltd BASIC MEMBER We are ship agents operating from the port of Colombo (Sri Lanka) . Our agency network covers all Ports in Sri Lanka (Colombo, Galle, Hambantota, Trincomalee). All shipping related allied services such as crew change, delivery of ship-spares, handling armed guards, supply of bunkers and lubricants, cargo operations, transhipment operations etc are handled by this company. We are on call 247 basis. Contact . Rizvi Sameem Kotahena, Sri Lanka Telephone . 94-11-233-3662 Fax . 94-71-214-5444 Skype . rizvisameem Email PT. Mojasindo Crew Manning BASIC MEMBER INDONESIA - Since 2001 we having good relationships with many fishing vessel owner in Asia such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. Over 10000 sailors we supplying them up today and never disappointed them. Their c ommercial fishing vessel type are: fresh tuna longline. deep freeze tuna longliner, swordfish longline, codfish longline, tuna seiner, fish amp shrimp trawler, squid jigger, reefer vessel, fish transport, freeze vessel etc. Contact . Yousef Luthfi Bekasi, West Java Telephone . 62 812 8755 8559 Skype . Mojasindocrew Email ADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY HERE, highlighted and including a link to your website - From 75 per YEAR Hossain Trade-Ship Agencies BANGLADESH - We are Shipping amp Crew Manning Agency in Bangladesh. Since 1998 we are working in this field with entire satisfaction of our esteemed overseas Principal. You will be glade to know that recently we under one roof with our sister concern MAS Marine Agencies amp Academy. Which gave us double strength to boost our all kind of crewing facilities to render our round the clock services to our esteemed Principal. We also obtained MLC 2006 certificate for a smooth crewing operations. We are supplying STCW95 certified amp trained crew from all Categories competent Officers, Engineers amp Ratings. They are skilled, professional educated to work in Deep Sea, Off Shore, NCV, Tug Boat, Cruise Ferry and Fishing Vessel. We have large number ship crew amp Ship-Yard worker like Welder, Fitter amp Technicians etc. Contact . Mohammed Azmal Hossain Tel . 880 198 459 7782 Fax . 880 3174 0575 Skype . hossainbdazmal Email PT Perkasa Jaya INDONESIA - we are fisherman recruitment from Indonesia We can supply Fishermen from Indonesia for FISH TRAWLER (DEEP FREEZE, BOTTOM FISH amp FISH FACTORY), FISH LONGLINER ( TUNA LONGLINE, SWORDFISH LONGLINE, COD-FISH LONGLINE), GILL NET, PURSE SEINE VESSEL, SQUID JIGGER, POLE LINE, SKIP JACK Contact . Mr Kade Skype . kade. arya2 Email Landmark Recruitment Agency NEPAL - One of the fastest growing manpower agency from Nepal, approved by the Government of Nepal under license number 762064065. Contact . Sudarshan Sapkota Telephone . 977-9851076734 Email AD Ship Management INDIA - ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company amp Govt. of INDIA Approved CREW MANNING AGENCY having LARGE CREWING NETWORK across the Globe serving the industries since 2007 and we are basically involved in CREW MANAGEMENT, SHIP MANAGEMENT, SHIP CHANDLING and SEAFARERS DOCUMENTATION Contact Sunil Kumar Tel . 91 22 61805700 Skype . adshipmanagement1 Email Mojasindo INDONESIA - A company crewing and manning agency based in Indonesia. We serve the needs of companies of foreign fishing vessels that need workers potentially Indonesian seamen and able to speak English well. Our sailors are ready to work in a foreign fishing vessel manifold purse seiner, scallop trawler, crabber, fish trawler, prawn trawler, long liner, squid jigger, fishing gear, etc Contact . Qarnee Tel . 812 87 558 559 Skype . QarneeMoajasindo Email CrewingTop UKRAINE - Job for seafarers: vacancies, CV, contacts with owners and crewing companies. Contact . Stan Ivanov Telephone . 380509248516 Email The Calendar Group USA - The Calendar Group is a full-service domestic staffing and corporate staffing firm. We provide a personalized approach to staffing for high net worth families, individuals, and their companies in the NYC Metro and Philadelphia areas. Contact . Steven Laitmon Telephone . 1 (203) 267-0888 Fax . 1 (203) 454-5406 Email Naij Crew INDONESIA - We are seafarer recruitment agency. We will provide with our best crew and manpower. Contact . Yousef Telephone . 0856 12345 49 Email Ocean Gallery Maritime Academy Pvt. Ltd INDIA - our company is established in 2015,we have pool of crew (top to bottom), all having stcw 2010, and also all r well experienced specially in tanker and bulk carrier, we will also supply fishing crew, our company having licensed approved by dg shipping of india. we have also international office in Malaysia, our company have own institution for internal training for rating, we follow the flag endorsement and also owner need Contact . Ravi Ranjan Kumar Telephone . 919973260504 Skype . Raviranjan146 Email PT. Adryan Bahari Mandiri INDONESIA - A company crewing and manning agency based in Indonesia. We serve the needs of companies of foreign fishing vessels that need workers potentially Indonesian seamen and able to speak English well. Our sailors are ready to work in a foreign fishing vessel manifold purse seiner, scallop trawler, crabber, fish trawler, prawn trawler, long liner, squid jigger, fishing gear, etc Contact . Mr. Adryan Rafi Alvarro Telephone . 6221-22711-426 Skype . adryan. bahari Email Western Marine International Corp. TAIWAN - WMHRCs former invested company - Li Yu International Corp. started up at May 1992, specialized in assigning foreign fishing crew to be engaged in working the deep sea fishery over 24 years. There are more than 1000 fishing crew per year we appointed who have involved in ocean fishing up till now. Stress on, we have numerous experiences of manning assignment. Then Western Marine International Corp. was established in 2015. Our service contains leading in foreign workers, foreign nursing workers and foreign fishing crew. Our main foreign manpower consists of three nationalities: Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. We make efforts in the promotion and service of human resources (manpower operation) in Taiwan. It is our vision to achieve that We are not merely dedicated to Taiwan labor replacement but we develop the market opportunity in western countries as well, such as Europe, Australia and so no. We are professional and passionate in this field. It is our pleasure to provide you with a brilliant project of how to organize foreign workers management if you are experiencing the lack of local workers. Contact . Grace Chang Telephone . 886-7-3350635 Fax . 886-7-3350735 Email Marine Hive Limited BANGLADESH - Marine Hive Ltd is a seafarers recruitment company that offers a comprehensive range of high quality marine services. It applies maritime expertise to ensure a safe and efficient operation for the shipping sector and steps ahead in providing energy to the shipping world. Telephone . 880 2 791 3662 Skype . marine. hive Email PT Qarazuli Marine Service INDONESIA - Special Service Crew with very low cost For: Towing Tug, AHTS, LCT, AHT, Crew Boat, Service Boat, Supply, ASD Tug and Other Offshore Vessel, Bulk Carrier, General Cargo, Reefer Cargo, Container, TankerBunker Service, Oil Tanker, SPOB, Passenger Ship, Ferry Cruise and Ship Delivery. Contact . Hasmuddin Ihsan A. Ma Tel . 62-21 4303396 Fax . 62-21 4303396 Skype . qarazuli. crewing Email Karunia Empat Bersama PT INDONESIA - We offer various crewing management combinations, which can be designed specifically to your needs. We could able to provide of the crew or supply a full Rating crew complement where we take responsibility for the entire crew, if you have any open Vacancies please advise by return monthly salary, Vessels details ( type, DWT, flag, ME type, H. P),Date of joining, contract duration and will revert with CVs of selected candidate ASAP. Contact . Mr Sudirman Tel . 62 21 4393 4454 Fax . 62 21 4393 4486 Email Western Legend Shipping Co. (Pvt) Ltd SRI LANKA - Western Legend Shipping company is one of the Leading Crew Manning Agency in Sri Lanka. our Crew was have Standard Training Certificate in accordance with the provisions of STCW 1978 as amended in 1995 regulation. Our Company has experiences in providing the following positions: Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, 4th Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Fitter, Bosun, ABSeaman, Oiler, Wiper, Ordinary Seaman, and cook, etc Contact . Inham Lutfi Tel . 94112574674 94117903254 Skype . westenlegendshipping1 Email Bengal Crewing BANGLADESH - Bengal crewing is a leading crew manning agency that offers quality manning service. We have combined modern thinking with experience to deliver the best to our clients. We provide all classes of officers and crews. Contact . Sadia Afrin Tel . 01194100966 Skype . Bengal. Crewing Email KH Marine Consulting MOROCCO - PampI Surveyors and Consultants - HampM Surveyors and Consultants - Insurance Surveyors - Claims Handling - Accident Investigation - Salvage (Hull) - Legal Matters - Stowaways - Crew Claims - Security Passenger Ships - Yatch Surveys - Small Craft Surveys - OnOff Hire Surveys - Draft Surveys - bunker survey - preloding survey - discharge survey - Cargo claims amp Surveys - Loading amp Discharging Surveys - Transhipment Surveys - Vehicle Inspections - Valuation Surveys - Pre-Purchase Surveys - Flag Estate Inspections - Classification Society - Consultants - Condition Surveys and Loss - Prevention Consultants - General Cargo - Bulk Carriers - Car Carriers - Chemical Carriers - Tankers - Gas Free Certificates - Passenger Ships - Ferries - Offshore Shipbuilding - Offshore Construction - Repairs amp Conversions - Heavy Engineering - Sea Trials - Naval Architecture - Design Approval - Design Advise - Drydocking Supervision - Work Supervision - Weight Control amp Management - Heavy Lift operations - Maintenance Management - Superintendents - Project Management - Ultrasonic Tests - Welding Inspections - Leak Detection - Non Destructive tests Contact . Captain Khounigere Tel . 212 662 892 968 Email PT. Bahari Crew Management INDONESIA - we are manning agency established since 2002,We are looking forward to establish a mutually beneficial relationship for long term business, We can provided competent, good experienced of our fisherman members for your any type fishing vessels, such deep sea Trawl, purse seine, longline, gillnet, reefer cargo. we have been cooperating with several ship owners around the world such as Russia, China, Taiwan, Spanish, Chile, Portugal, UK, Netherland and Korea. Customer satisfaction is our priority. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us at anytime. Contact . Zabidi Tel . 6281902440911 Fax . 62283853128 Skype . fishermanassociation Email Sea Crown Marine INDIA - We are a award winning multi discipline employment and recruitment agency in Marine, Offshore, Oil amp Gas and ship building sector. We, as a Manning Agency, have been approved by Lloyds to the Quality Management System Standard iSO 9001:2008 for compliance with the requirements of the International Labour Organisations Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) Contact . Binod Dutta Tel . 91865412354 Email International Manpower Recruitment Pvt. Ltd. NEPAL - International Manpower Recruitment is fully committed to the complete satisfaction of both, Our Prestigious clients as well as Job seekers who are desirous for oversea employment with a right amp a better secure Future. We provide Oversea Placement for those looking forward to broaden their horizons and head for better career opportunities in the Middle East. We have our own well-equipped and modern offices and a wide network of operation in Kathmandu as well as many other associated offices in all the major cities of Nepal. Contact . YB Rai Tel . 97715006269 Email Japung Indonesia INDONESIA - PT. Japung Indonesia, which is a well known crewing management company in Indonesia. We are 21 year old company and our services are providing the best crew to your company. Presently, there are approximately 600 qualified crews in our data base. The data base is periodically updated to maintain the availability of crew. With the quality system, professional staff and high quality crews, Japung Indonesia Crew Management Company is ready to manage your crewing requirements. Contact . Edi Suryanto Tel . 62 818 0688 7901 Email Sarwamangla Marine Academy Private Limited INDIA - our company is established in 2008,we have pool of crew (top to bottom), all having stcw 2010, and also all r well experienced specially in tanker and bulk carrier, we will also supply fishing crew, our company having mlc2006 and also arpsl licensed approved by dg shipping of india. we have also international office in Taiwan, our company have own institution for internal training for officer and rating, we follow the flag endorsement and also owner need. Contact . Manish Singh Tel . 91326-2300276 Fax . 91326-2300091 Skype . cpt. manishsingh Email PT. Angkasa Akbar Tharuna Co. Ltd INDONESIA - We are Angkasa Akbar Tharuna Co. Ltd, based in Indonesia. Our business is Shipping and Crewing Agents, General Trade. We are specialist in supplying qualified, skilled and experienced, and hard-working factory workers and seamen of fishing vessel and reefer cargo vessel for Japan and Korea since 1987. However lately, we also do placement for ratings and officer ranks for some general vessels. Contact . Mochamad Yusuf Akbar Tanjung Tel . 62 819 34 148 149 Skype . lexterlexa Email Max Ship Management amp Tourism Co.,Ltd MYANMAR - Ship Crew Management Shipping Agency. Your Reliable Crew Manning Services in Myanmar. Contact . Calvin Latt Tel . 95 9 541 5311 Fax . 95 1 240 893 Skype . calvinlatt01 Email Trimarine Sinar Jaya, PT INDONESIA - Indonesia manning agency Indonesian crew seafarer service. Contact . Capt. Anthony (General Manager) Mobile :62 85814489624 Tel . 085814489624 Fax . 02144836826 Skype . trimarineinarjaya Email Genesis Forte (India) Pvt Ltd INDIA - Crew management and manning company. We are supplying crew to Cargo Carriers, Gas Tanker, Oil Tanker and Bulk Carriers Contact . Sukhdev Tel . 91 22-41256100 Fax . 91-22-41256149 Skype . jsarora Email Uniship Marine Pvt Ltd INDIA - We as manning agent, insure that our company will sustain the rapidly growing demand for qualified officers and engineers, world class education, motivation and skills, capable of providing safe, reliable and efficient transportation services, while respecting increasingly stringent port state, Flag state classification. In this regard it is our honour to present to you our company and offer our services, we Inspire shipping Pvt. Ltd. serving in Shipping since 2003 as manning agent and port agent in Mumbai for several principal, formerly Uniship Marine Pvt Ltd ( RPSL-121), is one of the leading and growing manning company in the Mumbai. Contact . Manish Tel . 912227710745 Fax . 912227713146 Skype . inspireshipping Email CHH International Shipping Co. Ltd. CHINA - Supply China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, India and Bangladesh Crew. Contact . Emma Tel . 86 15659385115 Fax . 86-591-28311315 Skype . chhshipping. emma ch-hshipping Email VIRASIMEX VIETNAM - Our company has been supplying manpower worldwide since 1999, especially fishing crew to Taiwan. We serve our best towards our clients. Wed like to have more cooperation for fishing crew to Taiwan and S. Korea. Contact . Danny Nguyen Tel . 0084439413997 Fax . 0084439420608 Skype . dannynguyen06 Email Universal Shipping Agency MYANMAR - we are an International manning crewing and maritime company agency situated in Yangon Myanmar, we shall be highly appreciate if you kindly employ our competent seaman in your good vessel..therefore, please let us know your applicable term amp condition to look forward with our level best for the greater interest of mutual dealing. please let us have your complete requirements with vessel details amp salary details Contact . Aung Zaw Min Tel . 95-9-49349045 Email Atlas-Service PMA UKRAINE - an officially registered company with a license for crewing issued by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine. Our agency began its professional activities in provision of seamen recruitment in 1996. Agency staff consists of professionals with extensive experience in the selection of seafarers for all types of vessels. The scope of our activities include selection of experienced and qualified seamen for different positions for merchant and offshore fleet. The existing database is composed of Ukrainians, Russians, Georgians, Moldavians, Baltics, etc. with experience in the Russian-speaking and mixed crews. Our activities cover the full range of modern crewing services for shipowners Contact . Iryna Sychova Tel . 38 0552 398330 Fax . 38 0552 460802 Email Camtraser CAMEROON - At your disposal 247 for your crew change, we handle all visa upon arrival formalities for your Crew at Yaound and Douala airport. We do understand the difficulties you might face and the time you might have to spend in obtaining a visa. More so, from city and countries where there is no diplomatic representation of the country your crew wish to travel. according to our agreements with immigration services, we help Your Crew to obtain their visas upon arrival. our team welcomes them on arrival and facilitates their transfers. Our agents also see to their need for fliths booking and the supply of their shopping. We are open for all counseling or other attention they may need. Our company has more than 4 years experience in the crew change business. Contact . Hugues Bertrand Amougou Amougou Tel . 237 3321 67 27 Skype . camtraser Email Triple H Shipping (Pvt) Ltd SRI LANKA - a French based company providing solutions for Ship Owners, Charterers, Agents amp Operators in the field of crewing personnel. We concentrate on ensuring selection of well trained, experienced amp seasoned ships crew. Beside our own databank of ships crew we also have long established Associate Companies who have a databank of shore-based personnel of various categories. Contact . Mohamed Tel . 94 112 588626 Fax . 94 112 588626 Skype . tripleh. shipping Email Sufi Ship Management Ltd BANGLADESH - We are a govt. certified international standard crew manning company in Bangladesh. We can provide qualified crews to you depend on pay scale. But all are qualified and competent crews. We had recruited over 650 Bangladeshi seafarers under full crew management services for various types of ships, such as Containers, Bulk Carriers, Reefers and oil tankers etc. during these 3 years of service Contact . Shipan Tel . 8801194100966 Skype . sufiship. management Email PT. Gemma Pratama Ocean INDONESIA - we are a leading ship crew manning agency in Jakarta - Indonesia. Hence we are seeking your kind support to become your associate in order to supply competent ship crew for your owned vessel. It is please to say that we can supply from all categories of seaman for ocean going vessel. Contact . Capt. Safar Tel . 62 21 42889949 Fax . 62 21 42889950 Email AD Marine Services INDIA - We are a manning agent. Contact . Ashis Dutta Tel . 919903379041 Skype . a. d.marine Email Pan Shipping Management UKRAINE - We are private Crewing amp Manning Agency with a head office based in Kerch. We would like to offer for your good company our Russian, Ukranian, Georgian deck amp engine officers, ratings, cadets, shipyardvoyage experienced mobile repair teams, Superintendents and other required ranks on your terms and conditions of employment. Contact . Vladimir Tel . 380656190010 Fax . 380656190011 Skype . panshipping Email Jar World Marine Pvt Ltd BANGLADESH - We are Ship Manning Agent in Bangladesh. We are an ISO9001: 2008 Certified Shipping Agent and Ship Manning Agent in Bangladesh. Contact . Jinnat Ali Tel . 8801730004456 Fax . 880312514088 Skype . jarshipping Email Al Madina Shipping Agency EGYPT - providing your vessels with any services amp requirements. in any Egyptian port ( Red sea amp Mediterranean sea ). Ship Tanks Cleaning Deslopping amp Desludging Ship repairs Ship Husbanding Ship Docking Ship Agencies Ship Owner Ship Chandling Crew Change Labour Supply Bunkers Supply Fresh water supply and others Marine related services. Contact . Ahmed Lamei Tel . 20 33 33445555, 33449999, 3251651 Fax . 20 66 3344 5555 Skype . capt. mcafe Email Imvusa Retail Solutions SOUTH AFRICA - Our Company is based in Cape Town and able to provide you with all aspects of the fishing industry from crew to engineers to assistance with off loading and packaging. We operate 247. Call us for all your staffing requirements Contact . Debbie Sloth-Nielsen Tel . 27833823016 Fax . 27 867737960 Skype debbie. slotl. nielsen Email CMS EGY EGYPT - with its wide experience and large data base is able to fulfill your crewing needs in both the ways, Partialfull for all types of vessel including Bulk Carrier, Container, Tankers, Reefer, Cargo, Multipurpose etc. All seafarers are competent, hardworking and good in English. All seafarers holding valid Egyptian C. D.C. (Seaman Book). All seafarer with relevant experience, certificates amp courses, as per STCW 95. Experienced seafarers to work with multinational crew on board and can stay for longer durations. (Any additional coursescertificates can be added as per Co. specification requirement). We totally guarantee our crew members. Contact . Capt. Ahmed Tel . 00201008322577 Fax . 002035447483 Skype cmcrew2 Email Enjoy Pacific Marine Services Co, Ltd MYANMAR - We are an international manning crewing maritime company limited situated in Myanmar. However we could send and make crew member list according your company need and demand. May I help your vacancies. Contact Tel . 959458020208 Email Chuan Chi International Co. Ltd. MYANMAR - a supplier of maritime careers center for merchant vessels, we think would you like to give us a chance for crew manning sub agent for your good company. If you interest to appoint Myanmar Maritime Careers at your vessel, kindly furnish us detail for the salary, joining dateport and ship particulars above and oblige Contact . Ko Su Tel . 95-9-450061873 Fax . 95-1-524709 Skype . kosu541 Email Jimad Allied Projects NIGERIA - We are committed to effective and on point ship chandling services in west africa. Such as fresh food supplies, bunker and bunkerage, ship equipments and crew. Contact . Jimad Tel . 2348036402870 Fax . 2348020583650 Skype . jimad Email One Lestarindo PT INDONESIA - Recruitment and crew boats and manpower on the ground. Our crew is ready to work on a shipments as follows: Long Line, Troll, Pursein. Contact . Mrs. Meilina Tel . 6281398205192 62188395281 Skype . meilina. puspitasari99 one-lestarindo Email 1 Email 2 Southern Star Ship Management co. Ltd MYANMAR - Crew Manning Agency Contact . Calvin Latt Tel . 959 4500 62185 Fax . 951 291 773 Skype . calvinlatt211 Email East Asia Maritime BANGLADESH - a renowned crew recruiting agency in Bangladesh and supplying Bangladeshi officers in all ranks including crew to our foreign principals in a negotiable rate. Contact . Capt. Shahid Uddin Mahbub Tel . 880312511844 Fax . 880312511844 Skype . ussmohiuddin Email Apple Nepal Recruitment NEPAL - Licensed manning Crew agency in Nepal and we are recruiting crew members in various Cruise ships, Passenger vessels, yacht and cargo ships throughout the world. We are supplying Ex-British amp Indian Army security personals, and all the positions of Hotel staffs such as galley cleaner, bar tender, waitress, Waiter, Stewardess, Nurse, cook, chef, Housekeeping personals and Casino staffs since several years Contact . MR KARAN GURUNG Tel . 9849265501 Fax . 977-01-4358788 Skype . karangurung11 Email Myanmar Overseas Development Limited MYANMAR - our company is established 1994 with Manning Company approved by Myanmar Government D. M.A (Marine Department) amp S. E.C. D. We are taking full responsible for our crew. Our crew ( Officers. Engineers amp Rating ) are with Genuine certificates holder only. Contact . U Kyaw Myint Oo amp Oscar Tel . 951 201652 (Office), 959 730 56659 (Mobile) Skype . oscaridd Email PT Sriti Rukma Lestari INDONESIA - We are a Fishermen Employment Agency, We have a License from Indonesia Minister Of ManPower, Our core Business is supplying Fishermen for Fish Vessels such LongLine Vessel, Trawl Vessel, Purse Seine Vessels, All our Fishermen have experience at least 3 years. We looking forward some good Standing Agencies for coorperate in supplying Fishermen Contact . Huang Wi Ming Tel . (62)816-728582 Fax . (62-21)5865015 Skype . oeywimin Email Moe Hein Si Marine amp Manning Services Co, Ltd MYANMAR - Our Company is engaged in recruiting well qualified, experienced, professional and skilled seafarers to international vessels. We can provided competent, good experienced, reliable and certificated Myanmar officers and crews for your good company. should you need any further information, please feel free to contact us at anytime. We are looking forward to establish a mutually beneficial relationship for long term business Contact . Mr Thant Zin Tel . 95-1-572962 Fax . 95-973177029 Skype . thantzin6301 Email Era Marine ROMANIA - Recruitment agency for on board and offshore staff is looking for collaboration anytime with ship owners, ship management companies and crew manning agencies Contact . Stanciu Daniel Tel . 0040721186988 Skype . era. marine Email PT. Valera Maritime Indonesia INDONESIA - We are crewing and manning agency, which recruited sailors from Indonesia, our company was established since 2006. We offer skilled and experienced manpower to the world of international fisheries Contact . Yanas Ibrahim Tel amp Fax . 62 21 4360 490 Skype . pt. valera maritime indonesia Email Northern Shipping Joint Stock Co. (NOSCO) VIETNAM - We are one of the biggest, and famous shipping Companies in Viet Nam, we are managing more than 2000 crew from the top rank (Master) to the others rank with a high quality. Now we are looking for the opportunities to export crew for other countries, so we hope to cooperate with you in this respect. Contact . Capt Thuong Tel . 84945037482 Skype . kiemtienvt2004 Email Repreinsa S. A. De C. V. HONDURAS - We are looking for very good qualified personnel for work in cruise ships and all type of vessels. Interested personnel send us CV Contact . Mr. Felipe Cruz Tel . ( 504 ) 97528886 Fax . ( 504 ) 2510 1652 Skype . repind1 Email Buton Boyz INDONESIA - We are sailors from Indonesia and experienced for fishing vessels, the type of trawl and longline for 5 to 15 years on ships flying, Spanish, Japanese, and Korea. We sailor with a salary that is affordable for your company please contact us. Contact . HENDRO Tel . 6281298311122 Email Ms Sealion Maritime Services BANGLADESH - We are crew manning agency based on Chittagong-Bangladesh geared to provide a totally client service. We undertake the supply of qualified and experienced officer and crew for all types of vessels. We offer competitive crew cost. We looking for best practice way to recruit in the maritime industry and become international agency, connect the best Bangladeshi crew to global maritime industry Contact . Kazi Nazim Uddin Tel . 880 1819367838 Email Ms. Bhaya Marine Co BANGLADESH - Ship Chandlers in the Chittagong Port, Bangladesh. Provisions Supply. Supplying Spare Parts, Ship Repairing, Bunker (FOMDOMGO), Lubricant, Engine Oil etc. Ship Manning Services. Contact . Ismail Hossain Tel . 008801764141731 Fax . 0088031740793 Skype . hossainbdazmal Email PT Trimarine Sinar Jaya INDONESIA - We would like to offer you a benefit of a mutual corporation in recruiting Hotel, Deck, and Engine Crew with a highly standard of competent Seafarers as per STCW95 ISM code standard with well trained amp skilled. We source qualified crew for Hotel, Deck and Engine Department from rating up to officer. We are an International manning crewing and maritime company agency located in the north of Jakarta, Indonesia Contact . Anthony Tel . 622144836826 Fax . 622144836826 Skype . trimarinesinarjaya Email Deep Sea Ship Management Pvt Ltd INDIA - We are a crew agency. Contact . aditiya kumar Fax . 91 22 2231117 Email Good Team International Corp. ROC TAIWAN - we are the intermediary, we provide the crew to the fishing companies, hope to have this opportunity to cooperate with you to provide the crew of your country, look forward to your good news, the ways of cooperation, we can discuss the details. Contact . Jeter Wu Tel . 886-2-89541497 Skype . jeterwu0510 Email Sanco Line Shipping Ltd SRI LANKA - We are a Crew Manning Agent, We are providing officer and rating to all type of vessels. Contact . Rajnesh Wellington Tel . 94 71 422 1919 Fax . 94 11 2430188 Skype . wellington. rajnesh Email Sea Lion Crewing BANGLADESH - we are supplying experienced ship crew for various foreign flag vessel ( Fishing Vessel, Trawler, Longline, passenger, tanker, bulk carrier, cargo, container, tugboat) amp supply with entire satisfaction of our esteemed ship owner amp manager. We maintain a regular crewing database in order to fulfill instant requirements of any Crewing in view of above, we shall be highly appreciate if you kindly employ our competent seaman in your good vessel. Contact . Capt. Mahabub Rahaman Tel . 880 1940 662353 Skype . sealioncrewing Email Ocean Energy Marine Services Co.,Ltd MYANMAR - Since 2003 we are working in this field with entire satisfaction of our valued overseas principal amp clients. Presently we are supplying our competent seamen to Korea, Yemen, China, Malaysia, Singapore amp U. A.E Shipping Companies. We can provide crew from all categories mostly Junior Officer, Engineer and Ratings for your any type of vessel. We recruit STCW95 certified amp trained seamen as well as skill amp professional to work in the deep sea, off shore, NCV, Tug and Cruise vessel-ferry. We are also supplying ship yard worker like welder, fitter etc. Contact: Mr. Than Htun Tel . 95 9 8635 169 Email Indomarine Service INDONESIA - Our company is one of the Crew Manning Agency in Indonesia. our Crew was have Standard Training Certificate in accordance with the provisions of STCW 1978 as amended in 1995 regulation. Our Company has experiences in providing the following positions: Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, 4th Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Fitter, Bosun, ABSeaman, Oiler, Wiper, Ordinary Seaman, and hotel department such as: cook, waiter, asst. waiter, stateroom attendant, asst. stateroom attendant, cleaner, Utility cleaner etc Contact . Solahudin Tel . 62 254 8480939 Fax . 62 254 8480939 Email International Crew Services P. Ltd NEPAL - We are International Crew Services Pvt. Ltd. license manning crew recruiting agency from Nepal. Providing and deploying professional seagoing personnel for all types of vessels as well as yacht industries at all levels of Nepalese professional Hotel staffs security personnel and also we assist the crew visa from the different embassy being as consultant for the indusial people since 2001. Contact . Prem Kumar Gurung Tel . 009779841213489 Fax . 0097714484171 Skype . prem. gurung7 Email K. L. amp F. Tarshish Shipping Ltd CYPRUS - Tarshish recruits highly competent and experienced seafarers as well as technical specialists from Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Philippines, Croatia, Russia, Greece and Egypt. We provide the full range of crew members for any type of vessel Contact . IOANNIS LIGNOS Tel . 306970020167 Fax . 302109420071 Email MS Monika Enterprise BANGLADESH - One-stop service provider for all Provision, Engine, Deck, Bonded stores as well as service for Safety Items. Ship chandler, stores supply, marine spare parts, garbage cleaning, watchman supply, chipping and painting, ship repairing, Redder Gyro Compass and auto pilot repairing, bunker and lube oil supply Contact . Sk Tuhin Tel . 880-31-724660 Email PT Multi Wahyu Abadi Mekar INDONESIA - Our company as the crewing agency mainly supplying Indonesian fisherman to foreign fishing vessel and our Crew was have Standard Training Certificate in accordance with the provisions of STCW 1978 as amended in 1995 regulation. We have intensive qualified experience Good Crews ready to join ship (Trawler, Purse Seiner, Longliner, Gilnet, Gargo Reefer, General Cargo, Tanker and Tug Boat) Contact . Joko Santoso Tel . 6221 88971264 Fax . 6221 88971264 Email Marine Chrome Crewing Services GHANA - Marine Chrome Crewing Services has excellent record and have qualified seamen available who have acquired training at the Regional Maritime University of Ghana and has obtain all the STCW 95 certificates to work on board various type of vesselrigs. Example from MASTER down to Wiper Contact . Abubakar Yussif Tel . 233 24 344 3682 Email Ineeb Shipping Agency PAKISTAN - We produce very talented and honest seafarers for cargo, bulker, oil tankers and tugs. Contact . Ineeb Ahmed Tel . 923219675889 Email Shiba Shipping Pvt. Ltd. BANGLADESH - Crew Manning And Supplier. We are providing officer and rating to all type of vessels. Contact . Zahid Chowdhury Tel . 88-01682-099346 Skype . shibashipping Email Aquarius Marine and Energy Services NIGERIA - We are ship brokers, managers and crewing agents in Lagos. Crewing both offshore boats, tankers, bulk and dry cargo worldwide with crews from India, Nigeria and Ghana. We deal with provision of manning arrangements in conformity with STCW95. Contact . Capt. Peter Taiwo Tel . 234 8122255865 Skype . aquariusmarine63 Email SGW Ltd MYANMAR - Our company has supply Myanmar sea crews located in Myanmar. Their own of experience and also in possession of certificate as recognized by IMO (STCW 95). Contact . Mr Su Tel . 95-1-524709 Fax . 95-1-521211 Skype . Mr. su Email Malwenna Shipping Company Pvt Ltd SRI LANKA - We wish to offer our services in the supply of ship personnel for vessels under your ownershipagency. We are a registered crew agency and we have in our registers a large number of ship personnel of all ranks with proper qualifications and experience. If you require any crew, please contact us with details of vessels, ranks, dates ports, etc. together with your terms Contact . R. Norton Tel . 94112407212 Email El Salvador Seafarers EL SALVADOR - El Salvador Seafarers, crewing and manning agency in El Salvador, Central America. Contact . Uriel Molina Tel . 503 2124 4629 Email Koyra Crewing Agency BANGLADESH - We provide officers of Bangladesh, India, Liberian, UK and Australia and Panama COC older and skilled rating those who are well familiar of STCW95 regulation, prudent, hard working and English fluency. They are so obedient to seniors and free of alcohol to comply on board regulation. Contact . G. M. Rofikul Tel . 88001712 160177 Skype . rofikul2 Email Ben Maritime Shipping Lines BANGLADESH - From some reliable sources we would like to introduce our self to you about our company which is a crew supply company in Bangladesh including Officer, crew with high qualification and experience and I have many Indian, Panama and Liberian COC. Our services are Arrangement of crew amp officer with COC on very competitive salary. Contact . G. M. Babul Aktar Tel . 880 1716 005261 Skype . g m babul aktar Email Jangkar Karsa Suhada INDONESIA - we from indonesia crew agency, we would be very happy if you could consider our letter of introduction as to be reliable partner in providing skillful human resource of marine industry or oil and gas industry Contact . Zang Koesnadi Email Micro Shipping (Pvt) Ltd SRI LANKA - Our agency based in Colombo Sri Lanka. We are engaged and specialized in manning of Sri Lanka and Indian seafarers onboard Foreign vessels. Established to fulfill the current progressive demands of shipping industry we have maintained our database of seafarers with highly qualified marine personnel duly certified to work onboard any kind of vessel. Contact . Mohamed Tel . 94 11 2334405 Fax . 94 11 2334405 Email Vipco Crew Company VIETNAM - Now we are managing 350 crews. Most of them have experience work on our tankers. If you have intend to recruit our officer for your fleet, We supply good English speaking, STCW95 Certified, experienced seafarers of all ranks for any type of ship worldwide. Contact: Pham xuan Thu Tel . 84313544538 Fax . 84313544309 Skype . isalcocentre Email Crew Manning Company SRI LANKA - We have in hand English and Greek speaking crew, and working experience with mixed crew, categories of officers and crews ranging from Masters, Chief2nd3rdOfficers, Chief2nd,3rdEngineers, Electricians, Bosons, ABs, Wipers, Deck hands, Cook, Stewards, Barmen, Bellboys, Laundrymen, Accountants, Assistant Pursers, Audio Visual Staff, Bakers, Waiters, Wine Stewards, Buffet amp Cocktail Servers, Butchers, Cabin Stewardsess, Carpenters, Casino staff, Cleaners, Cruise Staff, DJs EntertainersMusicians, Executive amp Pastry Chef, Gen. Cooks, Gentlemen Hosts, Gift Shop Assistants Managers, Guest Relations Officers, Contact . Mohamed Tel . 94759010070 Email B. T. Marine INDIA - Marine services crewing sub agency Contact . Kalpana Tel . 91-44-43066553 Fax . 91-44-43066554 Email Four Star Ship Crew Management MYANMAR - We are leading company of crew manning agent in Myanmar. Our crew are well experiences and obedient under the regulations of IMO. Our crews are well trained and ready to travel to join vessel. our Myanmar crews have completed travel document and related certificate. Contact . Maung Maung Than Tel . 95 1 290 462 Email PT. Bintang Karya Samudera INDONESIA - Recruitment and crew boats and manpower on the ground. Our crew is ready to work on a shipments as follows: Long Line, Troll, Pursein, Towing, Tug Boat, Barge, Cargo, Tanker, Supply, Offshore Crew Contact . Mrs. Meilina K Tel . 6281398205192 Email PT Talitakum Crew Management INDONESIA - We provide Crew as Deck Officer, Engine Officer, Deck and Engine Rating, Cruise Staff and manage follow the IMO Regulation STCW 95 as a require for International Seafarers and professional Seafarers. Our Agency providing Seafarer for many type of vessel like, Gen. Cargo Ship, Container Ship, Tanker Ship, Cruise Ship, Supply Boat, Tug Boat etc. Contact . Gabriel Gustaf Tel . 62 813 8488 1965 Skype . Talitakum. group Email Universal Marine Service BANGLADESH - Manning and crewing agent, all of crews are experienced amp skilled. Experienced with Foreign going Bulk Carrier, Tanker, Chemical Tanker, Cargo and Container Vessel. Besides, AHT amp TUG experienced also. We have skilled amp experienced Officer Engineer ready to join. All crew, Officer are good English speaking person. We have a vision to ensure the cost of effectiveness, efficiency amp increased the comfort to Our Costumer which is the ship owner amp the ship manager. Contact . Capt. Ranjon Tel . 880 31 740 296 Email PT. Instan Cipta Utama INDONESIA - company crewing Agency at Jakarta, Indonesia. By this i try to offer cooperation to supply the crew from Indonesia to your company. Our Crew member have experience in various types of ships an all have a certificate in accordance with STCW95. And we will provide the crew that match your query. If you any request for crew, I hope you do not hesitate to contact us. Contact . Milla Fauzila Tel . 62 21 857974 Fax . 62 21 850964 Skype . instanjkt Email Eon Placements INDIA - quotThe living source of the firm is only MANPOWER. quot Eon Placements, The company which provides best candidates as par market needs. Want best manpower in your company or firm Didnt get till now Contact . Ketan Panchal Tel . 91 9998495465 Email SKJ Integrated Sdn. Bhd MALAYSIA - I am a Vocational Education and Training Consultant. I require assistance from shipping companies that can provide training courses that would lead to employment for my candidates in South Asia. Contact . Justin Fernandez Tel . 60102665275 Fax . 603519282627 Skype . justin. fernandez8177 Email Avalon Maritime Services INDIA - We are ms Avalon Maritime Services based in Chandigarh (India). We are approved service provider from D. G Shipping Belize. If you required COC, CDC for your crew candidates then we can provide Contact . Ravinder Kumar Tel . 91 0172-2690444 Email PT. Candina Indonesia INDONESIA - Manning agency, Re-Education and Trading Contact . Frank Tel . 62 21 27064428 Skype . frank-dux66 Email Highway Heaven Co. Ltd amp Victory Shipping amp Trade Co. Ltd MYANMAR - Established in registered with the SEAMEN EMPLOYMENT CONTROL DIVISION under the Ministry of Transport, Government of the Union of Myanmar, and founding as crew manning function toward foreign shipping lines. As fur as the business atmosphere, providing crew members of all rank to the shipping lines with eligible for Myanmar Crews. Contact . Zay Gyi Tel . 951-385199 9595038805 Fax . 951-385199 Skype . zay. gyi20009 Email Express Shipping Services INDIA - Our company is into providing manpower services for job openings in your respected companies. We will be grateful if you will choose us for providing services to you and we will make efforts to earn your trust and your ongoing business. Contact . Mr. Kadeer Tel . 91 8976626432 Email Myanmar Seaman Group MYANMAR - We are crew manning co, based in Yangon Myanmar. We supply Experienced crew members to worldwide shipping co. If you need to employ Myanmar crew. We can fulfill your requirement. If you require crews pl dont hesitate to contact with us. Available officer and other rank for all kind of vessels. Contact . Cho Cho Tel . 951095174179 Skype . tun tun Email ICS Crew Services NEPAL - We are the Crew agency in Nepal and we are deploying hotel department crew members in various Cruise ships Yachtriver CruisePassenger ferry and cargo ships and we have successfully been able to supply the Crews as per the demands of the ships. In this connection, we take the pride of extending our service to your prestigious company for the same. Contact . Prem Kumar Gurung Tel . 9779841213489 Skype . prem. gurung7 Email Rigsworld CANADA - Rigsworld is the most complete source of current information in the oil and drilling industry. We are designed to meet the needs of engineers, managers and executives throughout the drilling industry by providing daily news and information about upcoming technologies, events, conferences, Jobs and trainings. Contact . Mahvash Memar Tel . 1-604-277-5070 Email Daslion Ship Service INDONESIA - Handling your requirement onboard serving all Indonesian ports. We are a ship chandler, general marine services and crew agency. Contact . Yuspi Irawan Tel . 62 21 32227004 Fax . 62 21 43922429 Skype . pssindonesia Email QShip Maritime Management Pvt Ltd INDIA - We are one of the leading Crew Manning agency based in Mumbai India Providing the best services to Ship OwnersShip Managers world wide. Our extensive experience of managing fleets of Bulk Carrere Gen Cargo Tanker fleet in Asia Pacific, Australia, West Africa and Europe ensures that we will offer a following world class services to Maritime Industries. Contact . K Uddin Tel . 91 222 8769034 Fax . 91 222 8791462 Email Bharath Institute of Marine Services INDIA - a leading Ship Crew Manning Agency in Hyderabad. And recently we have indulged into the training sector and it is our pleasure to announce that we now have our own maritime Academy in Hyderabad. Hence we are seeking your kind support amp guidance to become your associate in order to supply competent Ship crew . Contact . Ms. Michelle Mr. Shaik Fyaz Tel . 91 040-2710447879 Email Oceancare Ship Management INDIA - Working in marine industry more than 8 years. we supply our crew for short delivery voyage or ahtss vessels Contact Tel: 91 172 406 1533 Skype . ocean. ships Email Sun Air Agencies SRI LANKA - provides a quality service where our customers have total confidence in our ability to manage the human resources that we are responsible for on their behalf, leaving them the freedom to concentrate on the other aspects of ship operation, management and ownership. We offer various crew management combinations which can be designed specifically to your needs. We can either provide some of the crew or supply a full crew complement where we take full responsibility for the entire crew. Contact . Imtiaz Jasim Tel: 94 722 99 33 22 Fax: 94 11 2532138 Skype . imtiazjasim2 Email Adityachaniago INDONESIA - We are manpower supply company located in batam specializing in providing welders, fitters, crewing for worldwide market Email Nontcho International Trading SARL CAMEROON - As a leading company we believe that crew management is one of the most important factors in running the vessels. Therefore we utilize high efficient crew who are able to join in any types of vessels and we are fully aware to safeguarding of vessels and their owners. As we believed on Principals satisfaction, we always provide guranteed manpower that has all qualification to join in any types of vessels with very comparative rates. We require to select our all ratings trained Seamans and all of our crews are trained as per STCW-95 regulation. Contact . Pierre Nongni Tel . 237 74776965 Fax . 237 33393401 Skype . pierre. nongni Email PT. Wanda Jaya Amertha INDONESIA - We have a lot of crew members stand by in our office ready for sending to your good company, such as Skipper, CEngineer Officer, Bosun, Foreman, Deck Hand. Factory Hand, Packing, Cook, Oiler. For all type of Fishing Vessels: Tuna Long liner, Trawler, Processing, Factory Trawler, Pure seiner, Reefer Cargo Vessel Contact . Rustoyo Tel . 62-81395520038 Email Jigga Crewing Services GHANA - With my company I recruit deck, engine and steward department as part of my job. I will send you well qualified personnel who have attended the Marine School. Contact . Agnes Zegah Tel . 223202566568 Email PT Karisna Galatama Perkasa INDONESIA - offers and service you a qualified crew member from Indonesia for the part or complete ships crew: at deck, in the machine, and for the hotel department. In principle, the crew member arranged by us is experienced and trained with completed vocational training. The qualification is education ordinance goes by Standards of Training Certifications and Watch keeping (STCW) by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) convention. The operations are fully committed to safety and quality management and work on well defined personnel policy with total commitment to the training amp safety. Contact . M. Alimuddin Email PT. Blue Ocean Sejati INDONESIA - We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our selves as one of leading Crewing Agency based in Jakarta-Indonesia Our activities is supplying Indonesia experienced seafarers to foreign shipping companies and Cruise Lines Contact . Sam Bahtiar Tel . 62-21-4711754 Fax . 62-21-4751727 Email Seawalk Ship Management Pvt Ltd INDIA - we are ship management and crew agency company. we do provide good officers and ratings Contact . Sunil Gupta Tel . 91 9987794540 Fax . 91 22 23771115 Email M s Sea Power Marine Services LLC UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - A Crew Manning Agency, which selects, recruits and delivers seafarers to its clients (ship owners and ship managing crew managing companies). Our company has Quality Management System developed and implemented, which was certified by the worlds leading classification amp inspection authorities. We have our own offices and associates in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Egypt and Indonesia. Contact . Operations Tel . 971 50 5583240 Fax . 971 4 2341994 Email SSMO Services Pvt Ltd INDIA - Crew Manning Contact . Satish Kumar Thakur Tel . 91 7498532905 Fax :- Email Aries Ltd GEORGIA - We are a Crew Manning Agency and offer a complete range of services connected with crew manning. Contact . Soslan Chkhaidze Tel . 995 97969593 Fax . 995 422 279686 Email Multimar Sarl CAMEROON - we provide crewing personnel for ships, STCW95 training, cargoamp marine surveys, ship brokerage Contact . Eru Takem Tel . 237-33087282 Fax . 237-33432422 Email PT Si nar Jaya Makmur Sentosa INDONESIA - Crew Manning Fishing Vessel Management Fishery employment Management Contact . Ismail Situmeang Tel . 62 21 8012069 Fax . - Email Bancomar Algeria ALGERIA - Shipping services and all related sea people moving cargo and chartering also brokerage with shipchandler services. The experience of our company could reply to all matter with immediate solution to your matter for the accommodated Algerian rules with real support without delay. We cover all main Algerian port of Algerian serving to our partnership ready to minimised your fees and to optimised the service better and better with faster and continue information supported Clients and chartering and crewing management. Contact . Nour Tel . 213 2 153 0736 Fax . - Email Mo n Marine Management Pvt Ltd BANGLADESH - we are leading manning agency in Bangladesh. we are providing skill personnel to owners and manager for running their ships Contact . Capt. Taufiqul Bari Khan Tel . 880 31 252 7163 Fax . - Email E ver Cheer Marine Services BANGLADESH - Crewing agency. We always utilize high efficient, experienced, dynamic, energetic, honest officers, experienced engineers, cadets and ratings who are able to work in any type of vessels. All of our crews are fluent in speaking and writing in English and hold STCW95 certificates from IMO. Moreover, we also have crews who are able to work in costal vessels, anchor handling tug, tug boat, fishing boat, barges, passengers ship and yachts with high confidence. Contact . Mohammed Abbas Uddin Tel . 880 31 251 4485 Fax . 880 31 251 4487 Email Ind. SEAPower Marine Services amp Crewing INDONESIA - We are Indonesian crews supplier to all and any type of vessels including for passenger ship. we supply for India and Myanmar crews too. Contact . Capt. Jemmy Tel . 62 21 4130 7741 Fax . 62 21 4359 9722 Email S ingapore Maritime Services Pte Ltd SINGAPORE - Full complement of staff available for VLCC Product Tanker Chemical Tanker Bulk Carrier Container Ships. Staff from Europe amp Asia. Contact . Capt. Amir Saifie Tel . 65-6777 4547 Fax . - Email A lmagest Crewing Agency UKRAINE - The quotAlmagestquot personal bank data of ukrainian-russian seafarers include more than 1000 persons. All of them are ready in all respects and each one has marine education and good experience of working, confirmed by proper STCW 95 certificates and experienced with ISM code for different type of ships. Contact . - Tel . 38 0482 390295 Fax . 38 0482 390295 Email Ber liana Oceanic Manning Agency INDONESIA - BOMA is fully certified by the Indonesian Government and the Indonesian Seamans Union (KPI) to provide highly qualified and certificated Indonesian seafarers to the global market. A subsidiary of PT BerlianaJayaUtama, headquartered in Jakarta, we actively recruit only the finest candidates for your crewing needs and maintain an extensive data-based pool of Officers and Ratings ready and available for your short or long term crewing requirements. Contact . Michael Foor Tel . 6287887046049 Fax . 622135822428 Email PT. Orientasari Mahkota INDONESIA - We are Indonesian crewing and manning agent and would like to offer our seagoing personnel services to your esteem company. We are able to provide the competent Indonesian seagoing personnel in your ocean going vessels to needs within short notice for the whole crews or individuals on your terms and conditions offered for the below personnel: Seafarers of all ranks for all types and sizes of vessels, Cruise hotel crew for cruise ships, ferries and river cruises companies, Offshore Personnel Crew for Offshore-Rigs Projects, Fishing crew for fish vessels and processors. Contact . Andi Alfian Tel . 62 21 3483 0822 Fax . 62 21 3483 0823 Email PT. Dh armala Lintas Samudera INDONESIA - We are international crewing agency from Jakarta Contact . Hatta Hakim Tel . - Fax . - Email PT. Dh armala Lintas Samudera INDONESIA - We are international crewing agency from Jakarta Contact . Hatta Hakim Tel . - Fax . - Email Karimar Shipping Agency EGYPT - Ship Agents For Suez Canal Transit, Cargo Handling, Crew Manning Agent amp Management and Ship Suppliers. Repair Contact . Capt. A. Baligh Tel . 20 10 855 5952 Fax . 20 66 334 1845 Email Recruitment Agency Manpower Nepal NEPAL - A manpower recruitment agency from Nepal providing One Stop Recruitment Solution with Prompt Reliable and Efficient Services. We are in a position to supply workers for sea food industries, marine crews, security guards (ex-army) for maritime security and workers for various categories and a range of jobs within the maritime industry. Contact . KB Gurung Tel . 977 9721340817 Fax . - Email Brothers Shipping BANGLADESH - ship broking, Shipping agent, Manning and crewing agent, all of crews are experienced amp skilled. Experienced with Foreign going Bulk Carrier, Tanker, Chemical Tanker, Cargo and Container Vessel. Besides, AHT amp TUG experienced also. We have skilled amp experienced Officer Engineer ready to join. All crew Officer are good English speaking person. We have a vision to ensure the cost of effectiveness, efficiency amp increased the comfort to Our Costumer which is the ship owner amp the ship manager. Contact . M. A. Hai Tel . 88-041-722317 Fax . 88-041-722319 Email Seven Seas Navigation (India) Pvt Ltd INDIA - offering Ships related services such as Ship Manning, Offshore Project Personnels, Marine Services and Adviser on selection of Vessels, Buying amp Selling of Vessels, Ship Charterer and Ship Repairers. Our company is registered with Registrar of companies allotted registration number U61100MH2009PTC190477. We are a well known company in India, Mumbai, duly established and licensed by Govt. of India, Ministry of Transport and Surface, Licence No. RPSL - (MUM -079) and have been successful engaged in crewing business on the international market since 2004. Contact . Shaik Shakeel Ahmed Tel . 91 9819116366 Fax . 91 22 23454541 Email Union Management agency, Consult and manning INDONESIA - We are a crew agency providing Indonesian seafarer to shipping community such as Tanker ship, cargo ship, Supply ship, Fishing ship, Tug Boat, Container ship, and also Offshore and onshore with the passenger ship. Our management company district to select candidate before run to the ship and necessary certificate standard STCW 95 of IMO and we guarantee of our crew to hard work with familiar to other nationalist in the worldwide. Contact . Agun Safar Tel . 62 435 7238 Fax . 62 435 7238 Email Agape MS - Offshore Marine amp Crewing Services - Singapore SINGAPORE - We are Local Agency assigned as local agency assisting global owners handling based in Singapore providing internationally offshore personnel amp Crewing requirement services Contact . Email Syria Sea Company for Maritime amp General Services SYRIA - We are working in crewing, as crewing agency shipbrokers, import, export, shipping, transportation and all sea services Contact . Captain. yakoub zaher Tel . 9634321499 Fax . 9634321499 Email Sacha Ltd GEORGIA - We are Georgian private Crewing amp Manning Agency with a head office based in BATUMI. We have more than 1200 selected seafarers in our database. We would like to offer for Your good Company orYour clients Georgian deck amp engine officers, ratings, cadets, shipyardvoyage experienced mobile repair teams, Superintendents and other required ranks on Your Terms and Conditions of employment. All our seamen are STCW95 Certified, experienced, English speaking, comply to ISM and IMO standards, with good references Contact . Vakhxtang Mikeladze Tel . 995 2 222 0441 Fax . - Email PT. Dawansa Oceanic INDONESIA - Dawansa Oceanic team, ready to provide a experience crews with ability and skill without doubt. Contact . Abdasir Sabir Tel . 62 21 430 1423 Fax . 62 21 430 1423 Email Ve llam Shipping amp Trading Company Pvt Ltd INDIA - Registered steamer and port agents in Chennai, Ennore, Karaikal, Tuticorin, Nagapattinam and Cuddlore ports. Staffed with experienced personnel to handle all type of steamerport agency work, crew, ships spares, logistics, project cargo logistics. Contact . Sam Jayaraj Tel . 91 44 2523 4505 Fax . 91 44 2523 4506 Email Sea port Marine Agency BANGLADESH - Registered Ship Chandler, Ship Supplier, Bunker Supplier of Chittagong Port Authority, Bangladesh, a sister concern firm of Ms Marine Ship Management Ltd. one of reputed Shipping Agent, Crewing Agent, Recondition Ships Spare Parts Supply amp Human resource management Services providing to the Overseas Ship Owners, Ship Managers covering all Maritime port of the world including our home ports Chittagong amp Mongla Contact . Md. Salim Reza Tel . 880 31 801179 Fax . 880 31 740284 Email E xcellent Manning Company Ltd GHANA - This agency is well experienced in maritime crewing sector for the past 10years with excellent record in terms of (1)fastness,(2)urgent to obtain visas for the crews (3) Always we supply hardworking crews on board any type of seagoing vessels, domestic and foreign vessel. The crews are always available to meet your need at any port. We have Excellent Masters down to OS Deck Cadets, we have Excellent Chief Engineers down to Wiper Eng Cadets. We always welcome any clients who need best crews for her vessels in a very profitable manner Contact: Kobina Quaicoe Tel: 233 27 847 3009 Fax: 223 31 202 6585 Email PT Jasa Marine Mandiri INDONESIA - Jasa Marine mandiri is a Crewing Agent which has experience for years in supplying qualified crews - from Deck Officer to RatingDeckhand) for all type of ship (Tanker, Cargo, Tugboat, Supply, fishing Vessel, etc)- worldwide Contact: Capt Teddy Tel: 62 21 4391 1301 Fax: 62 21 4391 1301 Email PT Lucky Hosanna Sakti. INDONESIA - We are pleased to introduce our company as a Crew Manning Agent In Jakarta, Indonesia. Recruitment Agency for supplying the Indonesian seafarer to working on Merchant Ships, fishing Vessel, All Type of Tanker ships, offshore on Shore Oil Industries (oil RigPlatform) and Offshore Vessel (AHTs, Utility Tug, Towing Tug, Pushers Tug) and Building Factory, work shop, Power Plant and etc. Contact: Capt Marthing Tel: 62 214 393 0874 Fax: 62 214 390 2821 Email R oyal Marine Management INDIA - We are providing Indian crew and officers in worldwide shipping companies. Contact: Deepak Roy Tel: 91 222 353 395 Fax: 91 223 456 674 Email Thesi SRL ITALY - We Train and certify Marine Crew according to STCW. We are approved by Italian Administration and UK MCA. Training courses for: Basic Training, ISPS Code, Radar, Arpa, Bridge management. GMDSS GOC and ROC, Ship Handling, Marine simulation, Liquid Cargo Handling Contact: Anna Demetrio Tel: 39 804746515 Fax: 39 804746515 Email PT Valera Maritime Indonesia INDONESIA - We are most reliable crewing agency, established in 2006, supplying qualified Indonesian Seafarers for foreign Fishing vessels have dispatched them to employers of more than. Spain, korean, new zealand, rusian, taiwan fishing vessels Contact: Yanas Ibrahim Tel: 62-37776733 Fax: 62-88875971 Email Angelina Maritime Services (AMS) Ltd RUSSIA - We are Russian private Crewing amp Manning Agency with a head office based in Novorossiysk. We have more than 12000 selected seafarers in our database. We would like to offer for Your good CompanyYour clients Russian, Ukranian or Georgian deck amp engine officers, ratings, DP officers, cadets, shipyard, voyage experienced mobile repair teams, Superintendents and other required ranks on Your Terms and Conditions of employment. Contact: Sergey Volkov Tel: 7 8617 300342 Fax: 7 8617 30034 Email Join Hands Ship Management INDIA - A reputed manning agency. we are a bridge for crew and company. our main aim is client should be satisfied with skilled crew Contact: Pawan Jha Tel: 91 989 252 4426 Fax: 91 22 6563 0811 Email AMBBS Shipping Management Sdn Bhd MALAYSIA - A crew manning agency based in Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia, a duly licensed by Companies Commission of Malaysia under the Malaysian Law. We come across to your company through Internet browsing and become interested to cooperate in one of your business. Please let us offer to your good company our services to supply crew in your ocean going vessel. We supply competent seafarers Indonesian, Filipino, Myanmar and Bangladesh Contact: Abdul Mutalib Bin Bujang Sarang Tel: 60 17-8366599 Fax: 60 088 242873 Email Myanmar Global Alliance Co Ltd MYANMAR - We are a crew manning company based in Yangon, Myanmar. We supply experienced crewmembers to worldwide shipping companies and offshore industries. If you need to employ Myanmar crews, we can fulfill your requirements. If you require crews, please do not hesitate to contact with us. Available Deck Officers, Engineer Officers, Electricians and Ratings for Cruises and all kind of vessels. Contact: Myint Swe Tel: 95 1 584885 Fax: 95 1 584885 Email Sea AirLand ExPress BANGLADESH - We are a crew manning agent in Bangladesh. We can supply crew and officer for tanker, cargo, bulk, chemical, RORO, tug, supply, twin tug and container vessel with mentioned vessel experiences. Contact: Capt Hayat Mahmud Tel: 880-31-2517054 Fax: 880-31-2517056 Email Multimove Shipping And Trading Ltd. BANGLADESH - Business co-operation in ship manning, crewing agents in Bangladesh for supply of experienced, qualified and certified Bangladesh marine officers, engineers and ratings to your good vessels. Contact: D. B. Barua Tel: 880 31 251 0797 Fax: 880 31 251 2761 Email OCM Global Crew Mnagement INDONESIA - Manning Agent located in Indonesia and has experience for years in supplyingplacing qualified crew (Officers to Ratings ) on board such as Tankers, Cargos, Fishing Vessel (Trawler, Longline, Purseiner), Tugboatsuply, and other kind of vessel Contact . Akwan Tel: - Fax: 62 21 4393 4986 Email PT Marina Brothers INDONESIA - We, Indonesian Crew Agency, Located in Jakarta, Would like to Invite All respectable ship owners and shipping agencies around the world for the employment of quality, educated and skillfull Indonesian seafarers, Hotel personal, Officers and Crew. If You have any open vacancies pls, by return monthly salary, Vessel details (type, DWT, flag, HP) date of joining, contract duration and will revert with cvs of celected candidate ASAP. Contact . Mr. Masri Yanto Tel: 62-82124291671 Fax: 62 21 435 5854 Email Kamrul Traders (Chittagong-Bangladesh) BANGLADESH - Marine Consultants was formed by five Master Mariners and Chief Engineers. We supply Maritime Coast Guard-MCA certified, HND holders, STCW Certified Marine Officers for Ocean going merchant ship. We follow Owners all term amp conditions stricktly. Contact . Captain Aziz Tel: 880 17 11 527 073 Fax: 880 2 791 2293 Email Kamrul Traders (Chittagong-Bangladesh) BANGLADESH - handling total shipping services as crew Manning for all type of vessel tankers, owners protecting agents and charter agent, local Representative of foreign ship owners. Contact . Md Abdul Wohab Md Armaan Wahad Tel . 880 31 740 240 Fax . 880 31 741 737 Email Atl antis LLC GEORGIA - Crewing agency Contact . Giga Lakirba Tel . 995 9335 3003 Fax . 995 222 422 630 Email Star Sea Management Pvt Ltd BANGLADESH - a leading CrewingManning company, supplying Skilled Indian Seafarers to our Global Clients. Maintaining the guidelines of Safe Manning described under various regulations, we have been specialised in Manning for ShipVessels. We have huge database of Experienced Technical personnel like - Engineers (MechanicalElectricalCivil), Crane operator, Welder amp Fitters for Drydock and Rig Platform. We have been serving Complete Catering Management to our various offshoreonshore shipping clients. Contact . Ravi Tel . 91 969 905 4996 Email Mecca Ocean Trade International BANGLADESH - Port agents, charterer and ships brokers, S amp P, ship supply, ships repairing, bunkering and crew manning agents. Contact . Sakil Mahmud Khan Tel . 880 31 718 308 Fax . 880 31 721 309 Email Reliance Maritime Services Ltd ROMANIA - A crewing agency based in Constanta, Romania, specialized in providing qualified officers and crew for ship-owners and ship management companies worldwide. Our services includes crewing and technical management. Contact . Diaconu Alexandru Tel: 40241510409 Fax . 40241510409 Email Sea Rider Co Ltd MYANMAR - I am crew supplier from Myanmar, if you want Myanmar seafarers please contact with me Contact . Soe Tint Tel: 65 8145 6689 Email PT. Anug rasinar Pataddungi INDONESIA - Our company was established under the low of Republic Indonesia since 2006,We are running activities as Crew Manning Supplier here in Indonesia-Jakarta Contact . Rusli Bin Hamna Tel: 62 21 437 1715 Fax: 62 21 437 1715 Email Pak Marine Eng. Services PAKISTAN - We have a large experience to supply provider of all type of marine sparesrepairs parts facilities, lubricants. foods. men powers etc Contact . Ch. Muhammad Khalil Tel: 91 213 278 5867 Fax: 91 213 278 5857 Email Sona Sea Management Offshore Ser vices Pvt. Ltd. INDIA - Crew Manning Contact . SK Thakur Tel: 91 22 322 65031 Email TSMS Shipping Services Pvt Ltd. INDIA - We take pleasure to introduce ourselves as TSMS Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd. company dealing in MarineOffshore Man Power supply, Ships spares supply amp Repair jobs, Ship Agency, Husbanding and Brokerage. The company is headed by the undersigned that has an on board sailing experience on Foreign Going vessels for almost a decade. Contact . Zaryab Ibrahim Email Clinic Overseas Pvt. Ltd. NEPAL - We are a leading Hr Agency of Nepal We can supply all kinds of Labour all over world for manpower replacement so if you have oppertunities for Neplai workers please let me know Contact . Surya Lama Tel: 977 985 108 1704 Fax: 977 1 410 5512 Email Great Ocean Academy of Merchant Navy. INDIA - We would like to introduce ourselves as a training centre and we provide training as well as the opportunities to our students to join the ship Contact . Tel: 91 172 307 2235 508 5257 Email Quality Shipping Company (PVT) Ltd. PAKISTAN - We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the leading manning agents of this part of the world providing all categories of fleet personnel for all typessizes of Bc Csh Tsh Chemical Lpg Aframax Vlcc Vlooc Ulcc vessels for the last 25 years. We are holding valid maning licence so issued by Ministry of Ports Shipping, Government of Pakistan for the supply of seafarers to principal. Our personnel possess all ISm I Mo Stcw documents with desired seagoing experience. We provide all types of guarantees against unionism Itf. We have, on our roster almost all categories viz Deck Engine officers and all lower ranks with excellent service record. We have been providing our personnel to our various principals all over the world with particular reference to Greek owners. Contact . Capt. A. K Khattak (Managing Director) Tel: 92 21 3 243 5070 Fax: 92 21 3 242 8525 Email Tripower Crew Management. INDONESIA - Tripower Crew Management is always professional selection, training, and processing to provide our employers with qualified and motivated personnel under the International Conventions Standards. we are supplying crew personnel from master to minor ranks with qualified and experienced to many ship owners, ship operators, ship charters and shipping agents for any type of ships (General Cargo Ship, Bulk Carriers, Car Carriers, Container Ships, Reefer Cargo Ships, all type of Tankers, Livestock Carriers, Ro-Ro Ships, Passenger Ships, Cruise Ships, Passenger Ferry, all types of Yachts, Supply Vessels, Barges, Cable Ships, Divine Ships, Dredgers, Drill Ships, Off Shore Vessels, Floating Docks, Research Vessels, all type of Tugs, Crew Boats, Bunkering Vessels And Fishing Vessels Contact . Sugeng Tel: 62 21 437 3347 Fax: 62 21 4390 5468 Email Worldwide Ship Management (S) Pte Ltd SINGAPORE - We are a ship management company based in Singapore. Our main objective is to provide quality officers and ratings to various ship owners. We deal in Indonesian, Indian, Myanmar and Philippine crew. We also would like to invite interested crew agencies worldwide to have a collaboration with us for mutual benefits. Contact . Kathy Auckburaullee Tel: 65 6407 1306 Fax: 65 6407 1501 Email MS. Probortona Traders. BANGLADESH - Manning agent. Our all officer I S M verifies holder STCW 95 regulation follows experience mariner. We obey follow your advices order we are interested to supply crewofficer in your good company without our Commission. Contact . Md. Younus Miah Tel . 880 31 251 3678 Fax . 880 31 251 3678 Email Sea Pride UNITED KINGDOM - Crewing services. Contact . Charles Email Rupeksa Shipping Ltd LITHUANIA - Crew Management and crewing services. Contact . Petras Rupsys Tel . 370 46 311 768 Fax . 370 46 411 964 Email Inter Oceanic Marine Services Pvt Ltd INDIA - Shipping agent, crewing agent, technical services. Contact . Subham Kumar Tel . 91 950 009 1810 Fax . 91 444 264 9317 Email Lucky Connection Services Co Ltd MYANMAR - Crewing, manpower services Contact . Maung Maung Naing Email MS Aqleem Maritime Services Co PAKISTAN - All types of best and qualified crew in Karachi. I provide experienced, qualified and competent crew for your vessel. Contact . Muhammad Saqib Khan Tel . 92 313 586 9902 Fax . 92 21 3534 8919 Email International Crew Service Pvt Ltd NEPAL - licensed manning Crew agency in Nepal and we are recruiting crew members in various Cruise ships, Passenger vessels, yacht and cargo ships throughout the world and we have been successfully able to supply the Crews as per the demands of the ships. Contact . Karan Gurung Tel . 977 1 448 4171 Fax . 977 1 448 4171 Email B. I. Ship Management Pvt Ltd INDIA - ship broking, Manning and crewing agent, all of crews are experienced amp skilled. Experienced with Foreign going Bulk Carrier, Tanker, Chemical Tanker, Cargo and Container Vessel. Besides, AHT amp TUG experienced also. We have skilled amp experienced Officer Engineer ready to join. All crew Officer are good English speaking person. Contact . Jitendra Tel . 91 993 084 1024 Email Sea View Shipping Services BANGLADESH - We are a govt. approved crew manning agent, we can give you the supply any short notice all catagories officers and crew, both are well exprienced, competent and qualified on their respective rank, we strictly screened our selected candidates documents before their joining. Contact . Amin Tel . 880 31 252 8591 Henbic Agency Ltd GHANA - all shipping needs. Our scope of Business covers International Air amp Sea Freight Forwarding, Customs Clearance amp brokers, Ship Agent amp Brokers, Consolidators, Door to Door Services Crewing and total logistics. Contact . Charles Agboto Tel . 233 303 205 900 Fax . 233 303 205 915 Email Annieham Recruitment Agency GH Ltd GHANA - we are one of the leading recruitment agency in Ghana. recruiting Ghanaians of various expertise and experiences in wide area of fields of OFFSHORE and ONSHORE jobs overseas Contact . Abraham Tel . 233 549 193 600 Email PT Johs Larson INDONESIA - Crewing Agency Tel . 62 21 525 7606 Email PT Global Makmur Agency INDONESIA - We are crew manning agency based on Jakarta-Indonesia geared to provide a totally client service. We undertake the supply of qualified and experienced officer and crew for all types of vessels. We offer competitive crew cost. We looking for best practice way to recruit in the maritime industry and become international agency, connect the best Indonesian crew to global maritime industry Contact . Budiman Tel . 62 856 190 1120 Email Aiktymax UNITED KINGDOM - Ship crew manning agency in Pakistan supplying competent Ship crew for your OwnedManaged Vessel. Contact . Iqtadar Aftab Tel . 44 (0)1264 656 954 Fax . 44 (0)1274 656 954 Email LPTM INDONESIA - We are a manpower training and workers providers. We supply ship crew of all level. Contact . Baharuddin Abidin Tel . 62 411 313 798 Fax . 62 411 324 203 Email Borsa Shipping Lines BANGLADESH - We are running fishing experiences crew supplier, our crew catching fish Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal last 20 years, we carried out our reputation supply all strong deep sea crew. Contact . Capt Hossain Tel: 880 167 552 2207 Email Green Pearl Shipping INDIA - a leading Ship Crew Manning Agency. Supply competent Ship crew for your OwnedManaged Vessel. Since 2000 we are in this trade with entire satisfaction of our esteemed overseas principals. You will be glad to know that we are working with various ship owners, manager amp Crew manning company with good reputation. We strictly follow all the rules amp regulations of IMO amp conduct all short trainings as per STCW95 Contact . Krishan Madhav Tel . 91 998 703 4172 Email Crew Manning Agency quot Universal Servicequot UKRAIN - Our company propose qualified and competent Ukrainian and Russian seafarers to Ship-owners Worldwide. For 2010, our database has more than 9000 qualified experts of seamen who have taken place professional selection. Contact . Mrs Kateryna Derevyanko Tel . 380 972 855 882 Fax . 380 487 842 353 Email Global Pacific Shipping amp Marine Services INDIA - Global-Pacific an ISO 9001:2008 is a Maritime venture of young competent professionals aiming at providing a complete range of services to Mariners, Merchant Naval aspirants, Ship Management Companies and Ship Owners. Its various activities include identification of suitable candidates for Maritime Positions at all Ranks in leading Shipping Companies world wide with exposure. This organization also acts as a liaison unit coordinator for a large number of shipping companies and ship owners in matters of HR Management and other allied activities Contact . Jitender Negi Tel . 91 991 170 8080 Email Skadiel Marine Crewing Service GHANA - crew manning company has excellent record and have qualified seamen available who have acquired training at the Regional Maritime University of Ghana and has obtain all the STCW 95 certificates to work on board various type of vesselrigs. Example from Master down to OS and CEngineer down to Wiper Contact . Skadiel Tel . 233 303 213 852 Fax . 233 303 213 852 Email Star Crewing Vladivostok, Ltd. RUSSIA - We render services in crewing to our potential clients Contact . Vladimir Pokushalov Tel . 7 4232 424 117 Fax . 7 4232 424 117 Email PT Casa Del Mar INDONESIA - a crewing amp manning agency in Tegal, Central Java-Indonesia with the art of quality. We have a vision to ensure the cost of effectiveness, efficiency amp increased the comfort to Our Costumer which is the ship owner amp the ship manager. We perform our duty in efficient manner with qualified Indonesian seaferer at all ranks amp offers in crewing services to the highest standard in accordance with SCTW (International Maritime Organization) Contact . Mr Indra Hidayat Tel . 62 858 6906 7171 Fax . 62 283 240 675 Email Shipagency India Inc INDIA - Coplete ship managementcrew manning, SampP, ship flags registration, classification, inspection, ship supplier, spart parts, tech repairs, port operation, agency, chartering, brokers. Contact . Capt Sharma Tel . 91 2836 233 203 Fax . 91 2836 232 830 Email Chipi Limited NIGERIA - Chipi limited company is into oil and gas shipping, chandling and supply of crew vessels personnel Contact . Bakare Lyduia Tel . 01 733 3614 Email PT Java Lintas Samudera INDONESIA - we are an International manning crewing and maritime company agency situated in Jakarta Indonesia. I am as personnel manager in our company we would like to offer a benefit corporation in recruitment of crews industry, with full range of competent crewing as per STCW95,ISM code standard trained amp skilled Contact . Mutammin Tel . 62 81 9055 50747 Fax . 62 21 4390 4767 Email Connect Shipping Services CAMEROUN - Since 2005 our team has acquired the experience in Crews amp Ships matters, clients from all over the world rely on us to take care of all aspects of crew change in Cameroon (Douala) Our English-speaking and presentable staff takes care of your crew change, from travel arrangements and visa to lodging and, if necessary, finding the right medical assistance. Contact . Ebeh Olivier Tel . 237 7767 9164 Email Crewing. ge GEORGIA - Let us to introduce to you our new online crewing service, where you can get access to the database of seamen. Contact us for details. Contact . Anzor Tel . 995 95 700 636 Email Valmars Ltd RUSSIA - We are Russian private ISO 9001-2008 Certified Crewing amp Manning Agency with a head office based in Novorossiysk. We would like to offer for your good company our Russian, Ukranian, Georgian deck amp engine officers, ratings, cadets, shipyardvoyage experienced mobile repair teams, Superintendents and other required ranks on your terms and conditions of employment. Contact . Sergey Volkov Tel . 7 8617 606 926 Fax . 7 8617 606 913 Email Ameya Shipping INDIA - established in 2002 and is a leading company in the Shipping Industry, dedicated to providing excellent and qualitative services for all maritime needs. We offer a wide range of services including Manning, Ship chartering n brokering, Ship amp Stores Supply, Technical Works, and Survey amp Servicing. Contact . Binod Tel . 91 22 2756 0148 Fax . 91 22 6792 1026 Email Able Angel Ship Management Pvt Ltd INDIA - We are Indias private ISO 9001-2008 Certified Crewing amp Manning Agency with a head office based at Mumbai. We are providing services like crewing since 1999 and at present we control a pool of more than 10000 seafarers. We would like to offer your esteemed Company our Indian (also mixed nationals if required) deck amp Engineering officers, ratings, cadets, cruise-hotel staff, and shipyardvoyage experienced Mobile repair teams, Offshore Vessels complete team, Superintendents, Crew Managers, Shipping Accountants, Operations Manager and other required ranks as required on your Terms and Conditions of employmentco-operation. All seafarers are STCW95 Certified, experienced, English speaking, well mannered and comply to ISM IMO standards, with working acquaintance at foreign companies. Contact . Nimesh Bhatt Tel . 91 22 2263 3161 Fax . 91 22 6631 4384 Email Bangladesh Marine Service BANGLADESH - Bangladesh Marine Service. Govt. Approve Ship Crewing Agent. Contact . Mr Pervas Tel . 880 312 514 667 Email YTT International Co Ltd MYANMAR - established quotCrew Manningquot company, based in Yangon, Myanmar, supplying the Myanmar Maritime Crew to our clients around the world. If your company is interested in employing the Myanmar Maritime Crew on board your good vessels, we will supply all of the officers and ratings were competent with holding of ( International M. O.T with S. T.C. W standard and GOC ) licenses and attended the ( I. M.O) courses. Contact . Mr Ye Thiha Tun Tel . 95 9 502 4756 Fax . 95 1 392 167 Email Orca Marine Crewing Agency, PT INDONESIA - Crew Manning Agent, as we able to provide and supply the Indonesian Seafarers. For all type of vessels. Cruise Ships, Bulk Carrier, Container, General Cargo, Tankers, Fishing Vessels, Etc. According request from the Ship Owners Ship Management, and all our crew are fully STCW95 Contact . Nico Lauren Tel . 62 31 4585 8976 Fax . 62 31 4585 8976 Email PT Kembar Dua Service INDONESIA - Recruiting labour shipping especially cargo ship, tanker ship, container ship and tug boat and passenger ship. Contact . Mr Halilih Comicarreis Tel . 62 21 4393 2455 Fax . 62 21 4393 5864 Email PT Pelita Agung Samudera INDONESIA - Crew Agency in Jakarta, Indonesia. We provide specialized indonesia seafarers with all rank Officer, Engineer and Rating with best quality for any ship and also fish ship. Contact . Willem Oliver Tel . 62 21 8393 5606 Fax . 62 21 8690 5179 Email Helada Crewing SRL ROMANIA - Manning and crewing agency Contact . Mihai Denisov Tel . 402 4053 1809 Fax . 402 4053 1809 Email PT Aru Samudra Lines INDONESIA - We are the shipping company in Indonesia. We provide Indonesian sea crews as agency and we are also handling cargo and supply marine equipment Contact . Novi Tel . 62 21 3750 8146 Fax . 62 21 440 3858 Email Akmar Transport Ltd UKRAINE - Our Crewing Company in Odessa offer you qualified Ukrainian and Russian seafarers and specialists of any rank and specialization. We have experience in the Maritime Human Resource business from 1996. Our main activity is complete crews for any types of vessels. Contact . Crewing Dept Tel . 37 048 785 9411 Fax . 37 048 785 9410 Email Inspire Group of Companies - Multimodal Transport Operator INDIA - ship manning and freight forwarder. We inspire group of company is one of the leading shipping company in india we have branches abrod also. we want to be a business partner with you to grow up our business Contact . Debashis Samal Tel . 91 22 6635 9418 Fax . 91 22 6635 9417 Email Noor Crewing Agency BANGLADESH - Crewing agency Contact . Ma Hannan Tel . 880 3125 0075 Fax . 880 31 250 0365 Email Sea King Marine Service BANGLADESH - We are Crew Manning Agent amp provide qualify Bangladeshi Officers, Engineers amp Ratings. Also Shipping, Spare parts supply Contact . Mohammad Pervas amp Abdul Wadood Tel . 880 3 1251 4667 Tel . 880 3 1251 4667 Email TMS Co Ltd CAMEROON - Crewing, general ship supplies, tank cleaning, waste disposal, hot works and general ship maintenance. TMS Co. Ltd does industrial welding, pipping and painting. She performs such services on shore and offshore. Contact . Kum Theodore Tel . 237 33 425 032 Fax . 237 33 425 032 Email YTT International Co. Ltd amp Salmah Marine Enterprises MYANMAR - Approved Myanmar Seaman Agent. If your company is interested in employing the Myanmar seamen on board your good vessel, we will supply all of the officers and ratings were competent with holding of (International M. O.T. with S. T.S. W. standard and GOC) licenses and attended the (I. M.O.) courses. Contact . Maung Maung Oo Tel . 95 1 392 167 Fax . 95 1 392 167 Email JAC Shipping Lines BANGLADESH - We Are Bangladeshi Company Specialized In Shipping Agency, Crewing Agency amp Freight Forwarding Agent. Contact . Shimul Mazumbder Tel . 880 31 725 989 Fax . 880 31 725 989 Email PT. Abdi Marine INDONESIA - We, one of the Reliable Human Resources Provider which specialized in supply well trained and reliable Indonesian seafarer-fishermen for all departments on board vessel. Contact . Mr A. Dedi Yudha Tel . 62 262 247 0619 Fax . 62 262 247 0619 Email Kimco LEBANON - Crewing agency. Egyptian seamen. Contact . Kimco Tel . 961 134 3000 Fax . 961 134 0602 Email Sal Freight Ltd GHANA - We are a freight forwarding and marine crew recruiting company based in Ghana. Contact . Jacob Siisi Wilson Tel . 233 20 813 5034 Fax . 233 20 813 5034 Email Asia World Crew Management Inc. PHILIPPINES - a dynamic manning agency, duly licensed and registered with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) in providing and deploying professional seagoing personnel for all types of vessels at all levels. The company was established and registered in 1992 under Philippine law through the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Contact . Zeny C. Rabina Tel . 63 2 521 8839 Fax . 63 2 531 8838 Email Piraeus Marine Services S. A. GREECE - Ship Crewing, Marine Technical Supply, Ship Repairs at Sea Contact . Antonio Dimitriadis Tel . 30 210 453 9189 Fax . 30 210 453 7341 Email United International Crew Management (P) Ltd NEPAL - licensed manning Crew agency in Nepal and we are recruiting crew members in various Cruise ships Yachtriver CruisePassenger ferry and cargo ships and we have successfully been able to supply the Crews as per the demands of the ships. Contact . Mr Karan Gurung Email Equator RUSSIA - Crewing agency. In our database more than 2 thousand seamen of different ranks which increases day by day. All seamen have an operational experience have corresponding documents and certificates according to convention STCW 7895. Each seaman is checked on conformity of a post and health for forthcoming work. Contact . Yuriy S. Kozak Tel . 7 8512 610 112 Fax . 7 8512 610 112 Email L-Stream Ltd UKRAINE - L-Stream Ltd is a multiple vector shipping company. We are covering all areas concerning both ship and cargo handling. Our main activities cover Ship Agency, Forwarding, Chartering Brokerage and Crewing Contact . Capt Leonid Monyuk Tel . 38 050 333 7 123 Email Mutiara Saodenrae Services PT INDONESIA - Mainly in recruitment and supply of Indonesian crew members for South East Asia region. We can provide you with maritime personnel to joint vessel in any port at anytime. Contact . Ilham Karim R Tel . 62 0813 1510 3479 Email Human Power Maritime Crewing Agency (Myanmar) MYANMAR - We provide a full range of personnel from officers and engineers to rating crews who are holding certificates of competency as per STCW95 rules. Thus, if you are looking for excellent crews for your vessels, then contact us for our service with the terms and conditions of your company. We also guarantee the competency of our selected officers amp engineers and rating crews with full responsibility. Contact . Mr Michael Tel . 95 1 253 091 Fax . 95 1 392 228 Email Sakr Manning Agency EGYPT - We serving the Shipping Industry for over 10 years, providing various Shipping Companies with highly qualified personnel. Contact . Osama Sakr Tel . 20 123 787 872 Fax . 20 6 6365 5894 Email Maritmarco EGYPT - we are maritime agency in Egypt. we are specialist for crew change. Any owners recruiting companies. charterers. etc. want to change. signing on or signing off any of their crew onfrom any vsl in Egyptian port or passing Suez Canal . Contact . Mohammed Tel . 20 12 318 0885 Fax . 20 323 0685 Email Innova Resource PL Recruitment Services SINGAPORE - Innova Resource PL Recruitment Services is established to provide ship owners with right crewing members Contact . Jeffrey Tan Tel . 65 6385 5185 Fax . 65 6385 5185 Email PT Fanaya Lintas Samudera INDONESIA - We are an international crewing agency for all type vessel, on shore and off shore. Contact . Fachri Syaiful Tel . 62 21 8329 1839 Email Marine Crew International BANGLADESH - Shipping amp Crewing Agency in Bangladesh with full range of competent crewing as per STCW 95 standard trained amp skilled. Since long we are supplying experienced ship crew for various foreign flag vessels (Tanker, Bulk Carrier, Cargo, Container) amp Tug boat with entire satisfaction of our esteemed ship Owner amp Manager. We maintain a regular crewing database in order to fulfill instant requirements of any crewing. Contact . Md Yasin Tel . 880 167 481 1980 Fax . 880 31 710 659 Email Fair Stream Limited Cameroon CAMEROON - Cameroon Ship Repairs, Cameroon Rig Repairs and Cameroon Maritime Support and Manpower Supply services is interested in providing Marine Vessels Repairs and Maritime Support and Supplies services to both local and foreign companies any where in the world. We are looking forward to collaborate with agencies, or companies in providing the above mentioned services and a lot more Contact . Ntankobong Ntomseh Gemoh Tel . 237 77 66 61 17 Email Usham Mekar Abadi INDONESIA - We are a crew agency providing Indonesian seafarer to shipping community such as Tanker ship, cargo ship, Supply ship, Fishing ship, Tug Boat, Container ship, and also Offshore and onshore with the passenger ship. Contact . Agun Safar Tel . 62 21 4380 0667 Fax . 62 21 9191 2291 Email Atlantic Ship Management Company LLC INDIA - we provide complete ship management services. we have our own training center for ratings and officers training for different flagship. at present we are managing 78 vessel of various flag since last 8 years. Contact . Capt. Sharma Tel . 91 172 503 4260 Fax . 91 172 504 7260 Email PT Marthindo Era Mandiri INDONESIA - Our main activity is complete crews for all types of vessels: including Container vessel, General cargo, Bulk carrier, Tankers, Ro-Ro, Dredger, Tug boat, Ocean Tug, Supply vessels, AHTS, Fishing Vessel, Oil Rigs and Other. We are a crewing agency licensed by the ministry of labor of state of Indonesia, looking to find a market for Indonesia seafarer all of the Indonesia region Contact . Mr Hendra Lukita Marthing Tel . 62 812 849 2816 Fax . 62 21 8833 3015 Email Dynamic Crewing Ghana Ltd GHANA - crew manning company has excellent record and have qualified seamen available who have acquired training at the Regional Maritime University of Ghana and has obtain all the STCW 95 certificates to work on board various type of vesselrigs. Example from MASTER down to Wiper Contact . Mr J. K. Quaicoe Tel . 233 24 315 5577 Fax . 233 31 273 63 Email Golden Arrow Marine Service (P) Ltd INDIA - Crewing agency providing Indian, Sri Lankan seafarers by foreign shipping companies Contact . W. Warner Tel . 91 461 420 0151 Fax . 91 461 420 0152 Email Koncept Shipping BANGLADESH - we provide Bangladeshi ship officercrew amp DeckEngine Cadets. we are exporter in all kinds of ship spar parts Contact . Johi Tel . 880 31 252 8464 Fax . 880 31 252 8464 Email KSF Shipping Services BANGLADESH - We can provide you competent, well-qualified and experienced seafarers of all ranks in accordance with the manning stipulations of the vessel and her Flag state requirements. We thoroughly screen our vast applicant pool to find the best candidates for you. These candidates are well known for there Excellent seamanship, hard work and technical skills. Contact . AKM Faisal Tel . 880 31 711 023 Fax . 880 31 710 756 Email Georgian Crew Management Ltd GEORGIA - one of the crewing Agency located in Batumi - Georgia. We feel proud if you give us a chance to serve for your Company as a Crew Manning partners if you require Georgian Crew (Officers or Ratings). Contact . M. Talakvadze Tel . 995 222 7 48 33 Fax . 995 222 7 42 60 Email All Ship Crew Ltd INDONESIA - Ship brokers and crewing agency Contact . Capt. Marthin Tel . 62 21 880 0760 Fax . 62 21 880 0934 Email Sealife Shipping Services EGYPT - Shipping agency, crewing and manning agency Contact . Eslam Atiya Tel . 20 125 871 929 Email Inter Oceanic Marine Services Pvt Ltd INDIA - Manning agent Contact . Subham Kumar Tel . 91 444 264 9315 Email PT Ciptakarya Intisemesta INDONESIA - We offer complete crew management services to all types of vessels through our crew competence center located in most of the seafaring nations across the globe. Contact . Maria Eka Pratiwi Tel . 62 21 8243 3607 Fax . 62 21 781 3972 Email Indopower Crew Management PT INDONESIA - We are able to supply Indonesian crew for fishing vessel with the moderate salary. Please feel free to contact us. Contact . Tangke B. Padang Tel . 62 21 435 7088 Fax . 62 21 435 7088 Email Good Alliance Overseas Pvt Ltd NEPAL - crew manning agency for Ship base and overseas Recruitment consultant for land base in the world is base in Capital City of Kathmandu, Nepal and duly recognized by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Labour and foreign Employment Department with holding Gov. Approved Lic. No.:76606566 and having associate with quotNepal Association of Foreign Employment Agenciesquot. Contact . Bhakta Bahadur Payangu Tel . 977 01 441 9152 Fax . 977 01 441 9167 Email Seven Seas Shipping Services INDIA - we are a good crewing agency in northern India. Contact . J. S. Rana Tel . 91 978 181 6306 Fax . 91 172 505 306 Email Golden View International BANGLADESH - one of the leading Manpower Supply Agent in Bangladesh duly licensed by the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare amp Overseas Employment, Govt. of Bangladesh. Recruiting licence no:RL-808 Contact . Md. Wahidul Islam Tel . 880 2 881 9739 Fax . 880 2 883 4238 Email Siroi Maritime Aademy INDIA - Siroi Maritime Academy provides Pre-Sea Deck-Cadet Training from all over India. The Training period is of 4 months. We are looking for the shipping companies who can genuinely place our students in every batch Contact . Digambar Bhandari Tel . 91 958 435 1396 Email PT Indo Navigation Marine Service INDONESIA - an independent crewing agency geared to provide a totally client service. We undertake the supply of qualified and experienced officer and crew for all types of vessels worldwide specialized fishing vessels or fishing industries also capital vessels. We offer competitive crew cost. Contact . Mr Hamzah Tel . 62 8 333 3745 Fax . 62 821 0719 Email Big Ocean Seapal ROMANIA - We are a crewing agency Contact . Berdila Gica Tel . 40 336 102 102 Fax . 40 336 815 430 Email PT. Metro Ocean Service INDONESIA - Our company is one of the Crew Manning Agency in Indonesia. Our Company has experiences in providing the following positions: Master, Chief Officer, 2nd Officer, 3rd Officer, Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, 4th Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Fitter, Bosun, ABSeaman, Oiler, Wiper, Ordinary Seaman, and hotel department such as: cook, waiter, asst. waiter, stateroom attendant, asst. stateroom attendant, cleaner, Utility cleaner etc. Contact . Tangdu Lakbik Tel . 62 811 991 3445 Fax . 62 21 4390 8267 Email PT. Comet Sejati INDONESIA - since the establishment our company has deployed hundreds Seafarers Hospitality crew and fisherman who have work experiences such as quot Deck Officer. Engineer. Rating Bartender. Room Boy. Cabin Steward. waitres. Laundry. Utility. Chef. Cook and fisherman. Our recruited crew we had supply to following type vessel. Cargo. Bulk Carrier. Containeer. Cement Carrier. Reefer Carrier. Log Carrier. Oil Tanker. Chemical Tanker. AHTS. Supply Boat. Work Boat. Utility Boat. Crew Boat. Passenger. Ferry Ro-Ro. Cruise ship. Trawler. Longliner. Contact . Feby Ardian Tel . 62 21 9344 9928 Fax . 62 21 4786 6970 Email Bahana Samudera Atlantic (Persero) PT INDONESIA - Indonesian association of fishermen. We have available crew that has international experience. Contact . Kamal Tel . 62 21 4446 6008 Fax . 62 21 8261 3617 Email Bangladesh Marine Service BANGLADESH - Ship Crew Manning agent in Bangladesh. We are duly registered by Govt. of Bangladesh. Our Ship Crew Manning Agency license issued by Director General, Department of shipping, Govt. of Bangladesh. We are providing Bangladeshi Officers, Engineers, Deck Cadets, Engine Cadets, Electrical Engineer Cadets and various Ranks of Ratings to foreign Principals vessel Contact . Mohammad Pervas Tel . 880 312 514 667 Email Skip Ryan Marine AUSTRALIA - Marine, vessel deliveries and Crewing services. Operating on old school values for over 20 years. Vessel and general marine maintenance. Crewing, charter, professional fishing, relief crewing, salvage, research, education and general marine Contact . Sean quotSkipquot Ryan Tel . 61 429 352 287 EmailDato39 Sri Nazir Razak Date of appointment: 27 January 2006 Dato Sri Nazir Razak, aged 49, was appointed to the Board on 27 January 2006 as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director and was then appointed as the Group Managing Director Chief Executive Officer of CIMBGH on 7 November 2006. He resigned as the Group Managing Director Chief Executive Officer of CIMBGH on 31 August 2014 and was re-designated and named Chairman Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of CIMBGH on 1 September 2014 following the retirement of Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof as the Chairman Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of CIMBGH on 31 August 2014. He is also the President Commissioner of PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. Dato Sri Nazir Razak graduated from the University of Bristol with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree and obtained a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) from the University of Cambridge. He joined the corporate advisory department of Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad (now known as CIMB IB) in 1989 and managed various fund raising, privatisation, listing and corporate restructuring exercises. In 1993, he transferred to the banks stockbroking arm where he rose to the position of Executive Director. He moved back to CIMB IB as Deputy Chief Executive on 1 June 1996 and became Chief Executive on 1 June 1999. He assumed the position of Group Chief Executive of CIMBGH on 7 November 2006. During his tenure as Group Managing DirectorChief Executive Officer of CIMB, Dato Sri Nazir Razak has been recognised as Malaysias top executiveCEO on several occasions. He was the youngest recipient of FinanceAsias Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009 and was also awarded Euromoneys 2012 Outstanding Achievement Award in recognition of this outstanding contribution to the Asian Financial Markets. In 2015, he was conferred the prestigious Asia House Asian Business Leaders Award for his overall contribution to the economic success, professional excellence, moral leadership and service to society. Dato Sri Nazir Razak holds directorships in various CIMB companies. He is a Director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad and a member of the Investment Panel of the Employees Provident Fund Board and the International Advisory Board of the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. He is also the Chairman of the EPFs Investment Panel Risk Committee and a Trustee of the Rahah Foundation and the Pride Foundation. He does not have any conflict of interest or any family relationship with any other Director andor major Shareholders of the Company, except being a Director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad and the brother of Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Hj Abdul Razak, the Chairman of Khazanah Nasional Berhad. Tengku Dato Sri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz Datuk Mohd Nasir Ahmad Glenn Muhammad Surya Yusuf Watanan Petersik Robert Neil Coombe Joseph Dominic Silva Teoh Su Yin Dato39 Lee Kok Kwan Hiroaki Demizu Mohamed Ross Mohd Din Date of appointment: 19 April 2016 Encik Mohamed Ross, aged 61, was appointed as Independent Director of CIMB on 19 April 2016. He holds a Banking Diploma (Part 1) from Institute of Bankers, UK. He is also an Independent Director of CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad. Encik Mohamed Ross joined HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad (HSBC) in early 1972 and served in various capacities ranging from Corporate and Retail Banking to Area and Branch Management. He also served as Head of Treasury Malaysia and Head of Group Audit Malaysia between 1987 and 1996. During this period he also worked for a year in Hong Kong, London and New York in areas of Foreign Exchange and Treasury. Prior to retiring from HSBC on 31 December 2007, he managed HSBCs onshore business franchise in Malaysia and was responsible for the Islamic Retail and Corporate business emanating from the branch network. From January to December 2008, he was the Executive Director and Senior Advisor of HSBC Amanah Takaful Malaysia Sdn Bhd. He was also the Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of HSBC Amanah Malaysia Bhd, where he sits as the Chairman of the Risk Committee and a member of the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee. Encik Mohamed Ross is currently a council member of the Outward Bound Trust of Malaysia and a Director of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd. He also sits on an Advisory Board overseeing a Private Equity Fund (Ekuinas OFM Programme) as an ID member and also a member of Trustee of Lembaga Zakat Selangor. Datin Rossaya Mohd Nashir Position: Group Company Secretary Age: 47 years old Datin Rossaya Mohd Nashir, aged 47, is the Group Company Secretary and works with the Chairman and the Board, advising them on their duties and responsibilities, governance matters, including ensuring CIMBs compliance to laws and regulatory requirements, and that a corporate governance framework is in deployed in a manner that supports the Groups vision and aspirations. She plays a liaison role between the Board and its key stakeholders, both in Malaysia and in the Groups regional operations. She has more than 20 years of experience in corporate secretarial practice and has been with CIMB since 2002, when she joined the Corporate Legal Services Unit and was instrumental in setting up the Company Secretarial Department in 2004. She is also a Director of several subsidiaries in the CIMB group. Prior to working in CIMB, Datin Rossaya was with Permodalan Nasional Berhad, where she assumed the position of Joint Company Secretary for several of its subsidiaries. She began her career with Time Engineering Group. Datin Rossaya holds a Bachelor of Laws degree (majoring in Business Law) from Coventry University, United Kingdom. She is also an affiliate of the Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and serves as a member of the Companies Commission of Malaysias Corporate Practice Consultative Forum, representing the interests of Government Linked Companies under the auspices of Khazanah Nasional Berhad. She actively advocates greater participation of women in the boardroom. You are about to enter a third party website CIMB Groups privacy policy will cease to apply.

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